About Joonseong Lee, Ph.D.
Dr. Joonseong Lee, Professor, is an expert in the field of media, religion, and pop culture, specializing in emerging media and Eastern philosophy. As a former Buddhist monk and a current researcher in the field of communication, Dr. Lee’s research has focused on introducing the combined theoretical framework of Continental philosophy and Eastern philosophy to the field of media studies. A particular focus of Dr. Lee’s research, which has been published in numerous journal articles and book chapters, has been applying the theoretical framework of French postmodern philosophy combined with Buddhism and Taoism.
In 2022, Dr. Lee’s first book, The Assemblage of Korean Shamanism: Mediatization and Territorialization, was published by Palgrave Macmillan. In this book, he has adopted two theoretical frameworks‚ mediatization and (de-)(re-) territorialization—to contextualize and articulate the assemblage of Koran shamanism. These frameworks are a unique tool for mapping out strategies of articulating power relations in the rhizomatic collection of Korean shamanism contexts that constantly reiterate the process of de-and re-territorialization. Coined by Deleuze and Guattari, the notion of the rhizome can facilitate both greater understanding of the mysterious duality and also the mediatization process of Korean shamanism.
Ph.D. in Media Studies, 2006
School of Media Arts and Studies
Ohio University
Title of dissertation: Digital Spirituality and Governmentality: Contextualizing Cyber Memorial Zones in Korea
Advisor: Dr. Karen Riggs
Committee members: Dr. Mia Consalvo, Dr. Ted Striphas, Dr. Justin McDaniel.
M.A. in Radio and Television, 2002
College of Creative Arts
San Francisco State University
Thesis title:
The Aesthetic Construction of Spirituality in Teleritual: Analyzing the Content of the TV Drama Touched by an Angel
B.A. in Won Buddhism, 1988
Won Kwang University, Korea
Emphasis: Buddhism and social movements
Lee, J. (2022). The Assemblage of Korean Shamanism: Mediatization and Territorialization. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal Articles
Lee, J. & Brown, K. E. (2018). “Make Korea with America Great Again”: An Articulation and Assemblage of South Korean Extreme Right Practices. Communication, Culture and Critique, 11(1), 53–66.
Lee, J. (2016). Commodifying magic: Cyber shamans and neoliberalised culture in Korea. Culture and Religion, 17(3), 295-311.
Lee, J. (2012). Everybody, Let’s Tighten the Anus: Exploring the Social and Cultural Meaning of a Korean Folksong. Journal of Media and Religion, 11(4), 216-230.
Lee, J. (2009). Cultivating the Self in Cyberspace: The Use of Personal Blogs among Buddhist Priests. Journal of Media and Religion, 8(2), 97-114.
Lee, J. (2008). Do you feel free now?: Korean women in an online adult community. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 14 (2), 80-108.
Royse, P., Lee, J., Baasanjav, U., Hopson, M., & Consalvo, M. (2007). Women and Games: Technologies of the Gendered Self. New Media & Society, 9 (4), 555-576.
Book Chapters
Lee, J. (2019). When Foucault met Deleuze in a Cybercafé: Won Buddhist Cybercafés and Mind-Assessing Diaries. In A. Grant, A. Sturgill, C. Chen, and D. Stout (Eds), Religion Online: How Digital Technology is Changing the Way We Worship and Pray (pp. 174-193). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Lee, J. (2016). Cyber Memorial Zones and Shamanic Inheritance in Korea. In S. Hoover (Ed), The Media and Religious Authority (pp. 150-169). University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.
Lee, J. (2012). Rite of Death as a Popular Commodity: Neo Liberalism, Media, and New Korean Funeral Culture. In P. Cheong, J. Martin, and L. Macfadyen (Eds), New Media and Intercultural Communication: Identity, Community, and Politics (pp. 175-191). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Media Review
Lee, J. (2024). Exhuma: a Korean cultural paradox. Asian Ethnicity.
MDIA 360 Media and Society
Introduction to theories, research methods, and empirical research findings related to the production and effects of mass communication on individuals and society. Surveys various forms of media, provides an overview of the historical formation of various media channels, and analyzes the impact of mass communication upon popular culture. Enrollment Requirement: COMM 100. (MC)
MDIA 301 Media Theory
Introduction to the theories of mediated communication, including theories based on critical/cultural, normative, and social scientific approaches. Explores the historical development of the major Western philosophical perspectives regarding the media and their role and impact in society.
MDIA 304 Global Media
An exploration of "globalization" as an historical - as well as a contested - process, and of cultural, social, technological economic political processes at work in "mass media globalization". Case studies link discussions of specific forms (i.e., music, radio, video, journalism, internet/web cell phones, broadcast satellites, and points of origin) to old and new audiences. These case studies are contextualized in a consideration of specific communication processes associated with trade, war, community development, policy making and reform, and privatization/deregulation.
MDIA 451 Media, Religion & Pop Culture
A study of the theoretical foundations and the process of constructing religiosity and spirituality on electronic media. Explores construction of religiosity in religious media. Examines construction of spirituality in secular media. Investigates the commodification of religiosity and spirituality in popular culture.
MDIA 452 Media Ethics
Examination of ethical standards and practices of the mass media. Focuses on the conduct as a future media practitioner and the impact students will have on others in particular and society in general. Includes development of ethical decision-making skills.