Urban & Regional Planning
PhD, Urban and Regional Planning
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997
- Land Use Planning
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Children and Participation in Planning
- Border Studies
- Children and the Environment
- World Regional Geography
Knowles-Yánez, K. 2014. Teaching Physical and Conceptual Borders. The Middle Ground Journal: World History and Global Studies. Number 8: Spring, pp. 1-14 (Special Issue: Forum on “The Border in the Classroom: Approaches to Border Studies”
Ahlers, Jocelyn and Kim Knowles-Yánez. 2010. Locating the "border" in "border studies": creating coherence in border pedagogy. In Gendering Border Studies. Jane Aaron, Chris Weedon and Henrice Altink (eds.). University of Wales Press.
Knowles-Yánez, Kim. 2010. Chapter 23: Social justice, planning, and opportunity post-Katrina. In Through the Eye of Katrina: Social Justice in the United States, Second Edition. Kristin A. Bates and Richelle S. Swan (eds.). Carolina Academic Press. 423-438.
Knowles-Yánez, Kim. 2010. Chapter 22: The disappearing neighborhood: an urban planner's tour of New Orleans. In Through the Eye of Katrina: Social Justice in the United States, Second Edition. Kristin A. Bates and Richelle S. Swan (eds.). Carolina Academic Press. 413-421.
Knowles-Yánez, Kim. 2009. Asking practical ethical questions about youth participation. Les Ateliers de l'etique 4:1. 97-104. (Special issue on Children and Ethical Participation;
McIntyre, N.E., and Knowles-Yánez, K., Hope, D. 2008. Urban Ecology as an Interdisciplinary Field: Differences in the Use of ‘Urban’ between the Social and Natural Sciences. In Urban Ecology: An International Perspective on the Interaction Between Humans and Nature, John Marzluff, Eric Shulenberger, Wilfried Endlicher, Marina Alberti, Gordon Bradley, Clare Ryan, Ute Simon, Craig ZumBrunnen (eds.). Springer, pp. 49-64. Reprint of McIntyre, N.E., and Knowles-Yánez, K., Hope, D. 2000. Urban Ecology as an Interdisciplinary Field: Differences in the Use of ‘Urban’ between the Social and Natural Sciences. Urban Ecosystems, 4:1, pp. 5-24.
Knowles-Yánez, Kim. 2008. Service-learning and implementation of children's right to participate in community decision-making. In Research, Advocacy, and Political Engagement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives through Service Learning. Sally Tannenbaum (ed.). Stylus Publishing, LLC. 216-241.
Knowles-Yánez, Kim. 2005. Approaches to children's participation in land use planning processes. Journal of Planning Literature, 20 (1): 3-14.
Hostetler, Mark, and Knowles- Yánez, K. 2003. Land Use, Scale, and Bird Distribution in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Landscape and Urban Planning, 62:2, pp. 55-68.
McIntyre, N.E., and Knowles-Yánez, K., Hope, D. 2000. Urban Ecology as an Interdisciplinary Field: Differences in the Use of ‘Urban’ between the Social and Natural Sciences. Urban Ecosystems, 4:1, pp. 5-24.