About Nima Zaerpour, Ph.D
Nima Zaerpour is the chair and associate professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the College of Business Administration, California State University San Marcos. He received his Ph.D. in Operations Management from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands, in 2013. Prior to joining California State University, Dr. Zaerpour was an assistant professor at VU University Amsterdam. In addition, he has had visiting positions at the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech, and the School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China. His research has been published in leading journals, including Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, IISE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research- Part E, and International Journal of Production Research. His research interests are Supply Chain Management, Facility Logistics Management, Terminal Operations Management, and Business Analytics. He serves as a reviewer for journals such as Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, IISE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, Interfaces, Transportation Research Part E, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, and OMEGA. He has developed Warehousing Decision Support tools and has served as a consultant for Supply Chain and Logistics companies.
Ph.D., Operations Management
- Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2013
M.S., Industrial Engineering
- University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2008
B.S., Industrial Engineering
- Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2005
Research Interests:
- Supply Chain Management
- Facility Logistics Management
- Terminal Operations Management
- Business Analytics
Papers in Referred Journals
- Gharehgozli, A., N. Zaerpour (2021) “Robot Scheduling for Pod Retrieval in a Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System”. Transportation Research Part E, 142, 102087.
- Alipour, Z., F. Jolai, E. Monabbati, N. Zaerpour (2020) “General Lot-Sizing and Scheduling for Perishable Food Products”. RAIRO-Operations Research, 54 (3), 913-931.
- Alipour, Z., F. Jolai, N. Zaerpour, S.E. Monabbati (2020) “Bi-Objective Age-based Production-Distribution Planning for Perishable Products”. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27 (2).
- Gharehgozli, A., N. Zaerpour, R. de Koster (2019) “Container Terminal Layout Design: Transition and Future”. Maritime Economics & Logistics, 1-30.
- Zaerpour, N., A. Gharehgozli, R. de Koster (2019) “Vertical Expansion: A Solution for Future Container Terminals”. Transportation Science, 53 (5), 1235-1251.
- Zaerpour N., R. Volbeda, A. Gharehgozli (2019) “Automated or manual storage systems: do throughput and storage capacity matter?”. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 57 (1), 99-120.
- Gharehgozli, A., N. Zaerpour (2018) ”Stacking Outbound Barge Containers in an Automated Deep-Sea Terminal”. European Journal of Operational Research, 267 (3), 977-995
- Zaerpour, N., Y. Yu, R. de Koster (2017) “Small is Beautiful: A Framework for Evaluating and Optimizing Live-cube Compact Storage Systems”. Transportation Science, 51 (1), 34-51.
- Zaerpour, N., Y. Yu, R. de Koster (2017) “Optimal Two-class-based Storage in a Live-cube Compact Storage System”, IIE Transactions, 49 (7), 653-668.
- Zaerpour, N., Y. Yu, R. de Koster (2017) “Response Time Analysis of a Live-Cube Compact Storage System with Two Classes”, IIE Transactions, 49(5), 461-480.
- Gharehgozli, A.H.; F. Vernooij; N. Zaerpour (2017) “A Simulation Study of the Performance of Twin Automated Stacking Cranes at a Seaport Container Terminal”, European Journal of Operational Research, 261 (1), 108-128.
- Mirzaei, M., R. de Koster, N. Zaerpour (2017) “Modelling load retrievals in puzzle-based storage systems”. International Journal of Production Research. 55 (21), 6423-6435
- Zaerpour, N., Y. Yu, R. de Koster (2015). “Storing Fresh Produce for Fast Retrieval in an Automated Compact Cross-dock System”. Production and Operations Management 24 (8) 1266–1284.
- Zaerpour, N., Y. Yu, R. de Koster (2013) “Storage Policies and Optimal Shape of a Storage System”, International Journal of Production Research 51(23-24) 6891-6899.
- De Koster, R., T. Le-Duc, N. Zaerpour (2012) “Determining the Number of Zones in a Pick-and-sort Order Picking System”, International Journal of Production Research 50(3) 757-771.
- Zaerpour, N., M. Rabbani, A.H. Gharehgozli, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, (2009) “A comprehensive decision making structure for partitioning of Make-To-Order, Make-To-Stock and Hybrid products”, Soft Computing 13(11) 1035-1054.
- Gharehgozli, A.H., R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, N. Zaerpour, (2009) “A fuzzy-mixed-integer goal programming model for a parallel-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and release dates”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 25(4-5) 853-859.
- Zaerpour, N., M. Rabbani, A.H. Gharehgozli, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam (2008) “Make-To-Order or Make-To-Stock decision by a novel hybrid approach”, Advanced Engineering Informatics 22(2) 186-201.
- Gharehgozli, A.H., M. Rabbani, Zaerpour, J. Razmi, (2008) “A comprehensive decision making structure for acceptance/rejection of incoming orders in Make-To-Order environments”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 39(9-10) 1016-1032.
- Graduate level
- Fully Employed MBA: BA 625: Business Analytics
- Specialized MBA: OM 632: Sales and Operations Planning
- Specialized MBA: OM 502: Foundations of Operations Management
- Masters in Biotechnology: BA 627: Business Analytics and Project Management
- Undergraduate level
- OM 446: Quality Management
- OM 445: Warehousing and Distribution Management
- BUS 324: Introduction to Business Analytics