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Faculty Workload - Assigned Time


These divisional guidelines establish a consistent practice for the administration of faculty assigned time. Awarding of assigned time is governed by the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement between the California State University (CSU) and California Faculty Association and relates to guidance from Faculty Workload Policies and Procedures EP&R 76-36. Deans are responsible for ensuring compliance with workload policies and procedures and have authority to implement supplementary guidelines for their respective college. Any supplemental college specific standards must comply with CSU policy and the guidelines outlined herein. 


Procedure Overview

All required approvals for assigned time must be obtained in advance, before the work begins. Without advance approval, work has not been authorized and cannot commence.

Understanding Assigned Time

  • Full Time Faculty Total Workload = 15 WTUs (9 teaching, 3 service, 3 research).
    • Faculty are often given assignments that fall outside of their scope of teaching. When this happens, their 
      workload must be adjusted. This means their teaching workload gets reduced to accommodate the new assigned 
      time being offered.
    • Part Time/Lecturer Faculty are hired to teach the courses that otherwise would have been taught by the Full Time Faculty.
    • The department sponsoring (hiring entity) the new assigned time reimburses the college at the CSUSM buyout rate for the number of units/WTUs the faculty is being 'bought out' assigned time for at the current CSUSM buyout rate to go towards the pay for the lecturer hired. See current buyout rate in the table below.
    • The pay for the Full Time faculty does not change, just the assigned time workload.
NEW PROCESS beginning AY 24/25
Prior to the audit there was not a formal process for tracking and approving Assigned Time.
  • InfoReady is a paperless system to request and record faculty assigned time.
  • Allows for a digital workflow with a data feed with PeopleSoft, once the assigned time is approved it will auto populate the Term Workload page for the faculty.
  • Email announcement will be sent out to when it is time to submit assigned time each semester with the deadline to submit prior to the semester starting.  


      1. Faculty submits Assigned Time Request in InfoReady (all assigned time that is not included on the instructional schedule, including service, research, sabbaticals, grants, committees, etc.)
      2. Academic Resources team reviews request for accuracy and accepts or rejects InfoReady requests.
        If Accepted, reviewers (the Department Chair and Associate Dean) are automatically assigned to begin the routing approval process.
        If Rejected, notification is sent to requester. No reviewers assigned.
      3. Reviewers submit their approval in order assigned.
      4. Academic Resources team sends out notification via InfoReady for requests being Awarded or Rejected once all reviews have been completed.
      5. Once awarded, the Term Workload page in PeopleSoft CS will get automatically populated 
        through InfoReady outbound daily feed. 
      6. Progress reports for assigned time were an additional audit requirement, InfoReady will automatically send an email prior to the end of the semester for the faculty to report their progress.

Faculty submit all Assigned Time in InfoReady 

Fall 2024 Assigned Time

Historical Buyout Rates

(aka course release/vacancy rate/replacement rate/reimbursement rate)

This is the budgeted salary range for the cost of hiring temporary faculty to cover instruction normally assigned to tenure track faculty who have been released for instructional assignments. Please note that this will be effective July 1 and we will be reviewing this rate for future years.

Rates by Year
2024-25 $2,500
2023-24 $2,200


Contacts for questions regarding Assigned Time guidelines or processing:

  • FACULTY: Please contact the Dean, Associate Dean, or Lead Analyst of your home college 
  • STAFF: Please contact Maria Rasimas or Malachi Harper