Project Rebound is a specialized program that empowers formerly incarcerated and system impacted students at CSU San Marcos. We guide our students in all aspects of academia and beyond; holding them to high standard of academics. Project Rebound also acts a direct liaison between networks throughout the campus as a whole and the surrounding community.

Center Resources
- admission support
- advocacy for students with parole or probation difficulties
- academic advising
- FAFSA and scholarship support
- internships
- counseling/therapy
- mentoring
- record expungment workshops
- resume building
- career support
- legal clinics
- and much more
Center Facilities
- computers for student use
- printing services
- community space/lounge
- fridge and microwave
- academic supplies for students,
- meeting space
Project Rebound was founded in 1967 by Professor John Irwin at San Francisco State University. The program, back then and now, is run by full-time staff and students, most of whom have had prior incarceration experiences. The program offers wrap-around services to students impacted by the criminal justice system. By offering college support, students excel in higher education. The program seeks to admit full-time students to CSUSM who are motivated to be successful and who are dedicated to transforming their lives.