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New Faculty with Ongoing Research

From IRB policy:

This policy applies to all faculty, staff and students whenever they are supervising or conducting any activity involving human subjects, regardless of whether the research is funded, and regardless of whether the subjects are members of the University community. This policy applies to research conducted at other institutions by CSUSM faculty, staff, and students, even if that institution has its own review process.

  1. If the interaction/interventions are complete and data is being summarized, no IRB review is needed.
  1. If the researcher is still interacting with subjects and consent process is complete, the research should be submitted to the IRB with a status report so-stating.  Copies of consent documents and IRB approval from other institution(s) must be included.  The IRB will review the research as ongoing research.
  1. If the research is in an earlier phase and the consent process is not yet complete, the research should be submitted with the copy of the consent form, IRB approval from the other institution(s). Once approved, the researcher should begin using a consent form that includes the CSUSM IRB approval stamp. The faculty member should be identified as a member of the CSUSM faculty in the consent document.
  1. If the research is not yet started and will be performed at an outside facility or institution, the research should be submitted to the CSUSM IRB and receive approval before proceeding.