The PPP tools will be available on galaxy project.
The project will develop a set of tools that can be used within the Galaxy Bioinformatics Project. Galaxy is a powerful and highly flexible, general bioinformatics platform that is widely used by researchers for biological data workflow management. Galaxy is also an open-source project that is exceptionally feature rich. Some of these features that are most relevant to the proposed work are:
- Seamless integration of user-developed tools into intuitive GUI’s.
- Easy importation of large genomic data.
- Inclusion and extension of existing tools and pipelines.
- Capabilities to install and run jobs locally, and on cloud-based systems.
- Active online developer and user community via Galaxy Biostars.
- Easy installation, and reproducibility of pipelines across computational platforms.
The Galaxy Project has been cited by more than 2400 publications, supports more than 60,000 active users, and 1500 developer contributed tools since its launch.Popular applications of the Galaxy project for genomics include the Osiris pipeline, for phylogenomic analyses and visualizations, and Stacks,for alignment, and building loci from RADSeq data. Galaxy is currently being hosted by more than 70 public servers, and incorporation onto cloud-based services is on the rise.