Preparation Materials & Application Process
Below is a rough time table for preparing your application to chiropractic schools.
Fall Semester Before You Apply
1. Research Chiropractic Schools
The Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) is a great resource of information.
Candidates should research the academic rigor of a program, the clinical experience offered, and the availability of faculty and support services. Of course, the cost of the program, availability of financial aid, and the location and environment of the college can be contributing factors in deciding which program is best suited to the candidate. Deciding on a program that best fits the applicant’s needs is a very personal process. All schools produce graduates who are competent and capable of providing quality care. The applicant must decide what values are personally important and then use those as a basis for evaluating the various programs.
Some factors to consider:
- What is the focus of the school’s training and does it match the applicant’s interests and needs? Clinical opportunities? Research opportunities? Specialty training? Qualifications of teaching faculty? Qualifications of clinical faculty?
- What is the structure of the curriculum in terms of what is taught and when? How early does the student see patients? Opportunity for electives? Externships? Community service? Part-time work?
- What academic resources are available to students? Faculty availability? Numbers and diversity of patients? Community settings?
- What services are available to students? Tutoring? Peer advising? Student government? Stress counseling? Housing? Medical care? Parking? Extracurricular activities?
- Where is the school located? Is a rural or urban setting more desirable? Cultural or sports availability?
2. Make a list of your activities
Activities may include: employment, internships, volunteer, etc., outside of class, in addition to: hours, dates, locations, contacts; and your role and what you learned
3. Identify possible faculty for letters of recommendation
Spring Semester Before You Apply
1. Write a personal statement
For tips or assistance on writing your application essay, or to have your personal statement critiqued, please make an appointment with a Career Counselor.
2. Request letters of recommendation
Most schools will generally require 2-3 letters of recommendation. At least one should be from a science professor and one from a health professional, preferably a chiropractor who can evaluate your potential in the field. Please check with each chiropractic school on their specific requirements.
Summer That You Apply
1. Applications are now completed at each chiropractic school's website.
Prospective students can view a list of chiropractic schools and their websites via the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC). Chiropractic schools will accept applications on a rolling basis.
Application information will include:
- Biographical Information
- Colleges and universities attended
- Academic course history
- Personal Statement
- Work & Volunteer Experiences
- Extracurricular activities
- Honors
- Letters of Recommendation
2. Interview Preparation
Applicant finalists will be asked to participate in interviews. For help preparing for interviews, please make an appointment with a Career Counselor.