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Embedded Tutoring

What is Embedded Tutoring?

Embedded Tutoring is a service offered through the STEM Success Center. It involves embedding a tutor into the classroom to assist the professor with facilitating lab activities and providing in-class support to students. Embedded tutoring gives the faculty support in addressing students' in-class questions and provides the students with a friend & contact in the STEM success center. Currently we offer embedded tutoring for CS 111, CS 211, CS 231, CS 311 & EE 280.

  • An Embedded Tutor IS a tutor in the STEM SC, an in-class tutor, a facilitator of in-class activities, a peer mentor & contact to the STEM SC.
  • An Embedded Tutor IS NOT a grader, a substitute teacher, a teaching associate, or a private tutor.

Request an Embedded Tutor

Faculty may request an embedded tutor for their lab section by filling out the request form below.

Request an Embedded Tutor Today!

We have concluded Embedded Tutoring requests for the Fall 23 semester. Please check back in and submit a request for your Spring 24 courses.