Your  Account:

Expectations of Proposer

  • Act as a liaison between A&L and guest lecturer/artist.
  • Provide co-sponsor payment information OR connect the facilitator of this information with the Arts & Lectures Coordinator.
  • When seeking outside funding, be sure to follow the A&L protocol to be sent to you once your event is accepted. 
  • Ensure International guests have proper work documentation for payment prior to submitting your proposal.  (To determine what documents are needed, visit the Information for International Visiting Faculty and Scholars page.
  • Provide A&L with event description and event image(s) for promotional materials at least 60 days prior to the start of the semester when event is occurring.  
  • Ensure contract is returned to the Arts & Lectures coordinator 2 weeks prior to the event.
  • Play a strong role in promoting and advertising your event by distributing event promotional materials that are provided by A&L as well as posting on social media, etc. 
  • Introduce the guest artist/lecturer at your event, or arrange for someone to do so.