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Career Center

Alumni Association members have access to the online job portal, Handshake, as well as access to use in-person resources at the CSUSM Career Center for the length of your Association membership.  You must present your Alumni Association membership card when accessing the Career Center.

Benefits available to CSUSM Alumni Association Members 

  • Job listings are available online through Cougar Jobs for full-time career positions as well as part-time, internship, temporary and seasonal listings. 
  • Resume critques provide feedback on resumes, cover letters and graduate admissions essays.
  • Graduate and Professional School information is available on the application process and on individual programs.
  • Career Fairs and workshops are held throughout the year:  See the complete list of upcoming Career Center Events
  • On campus interviews are available.
  • Individual Career Services include one-hour individual appointments with a career counselor which may include a mock interview and/or the use of one of the following additional assessment instruments:
    • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI);  a personality preference assessment that identifies values, relationships and potential careers.
    • Strong Interest Inventory:  a widely used assessment based on interests and how they relate to specific occupations.
    • Type Focus: discover your personality type and what careers fit.
    • Gallup's Strengths Quest:  provides alumni with the opportunity to identify strengths by building on their greatest talents - the way in which they most naturally think, feel, and behave as unique individuals.

The Career Center provides services to all students without regard to race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or handicap.  We support Title VI and Title IX, Section 504 of the Higher Education Act of 1968.  All employers with whom we have contact also subscribe to the principles of equal employment opportunities.

For more information, please contact the Career Center at 760-750-4900 or visit Careers.