Beyond the Stereotype
A CSUSM Social Justice Initiative to Stop Cultural Appropriation
Dr. Joely Proudfit initiated the "Beyond the Stereotype" poster campaign as a response to a troubling incident of cultural appropriation by CSUSM anthropology graduates. This incident involved the ill-conceived idea of hosting a cowboy and Indian-themed graduation party. Dr. Proudfit's reaction to this event, and the subsequent barrage of hostile attacks against her and American Indian culture, led to a year-long collaboration with a diverse array of university departments and student organizations. Notable partners in this endeavor include the California Indian Culture and Sovereignty Center, American Indian Student Alliance, Arturo Ocampo (Chief Diversity, Educational Equity, Inclusion Officer), Ombuds Services, Student Life & Leadership, Civility Campaign, Public Relations Club, and Dr. Fredi Avalos, among other esteemed campus allies.
The central objective of this campaign is to illuminate the intricate facets of cultural appropriation, while also shedding light on the detrimental impact of stereotypes. The campaign's images serve to challenge perceptions and preconceived notions about minority groups. Each poster features historical figures from these minority communities in the background, accompanied by biographical information.
Across the top of each poster, a powerful message reads,
“There is more to me than what you see. Beyond the stereotype, there is history.”
These historical profiles celebrate the achievements of individuals from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Cultural appropriation, often defined as the adoption of elements from one culture by members of another, particularly when the source culture represents a historically oppressed or exploited minority, is a key focus. Given that such appropriation frequently relies on stereotypes, the project also endeavors to unpack the origins of these stereotypes and draw attention to the harm they cause.
When initial attempts to launch the campaign within a collaborative class framework faltered, Dr. Proudfit utilized her expertise and marketing company during the summer of 2014 to create 10 posters encompassing American Indians, Arab Americans, African Americans, Latino Americans, and Asian Americans. These meticulously crafted posters, designed with great thought, are available for download as part of this initiative.
Notably, Dr. Proudfit has generously licensed this work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommericial-NoDerivaties 4.0 International License. These posters may be downloaded and reproduced for nonprofit and/or educational purposes. Neither the images or text may be changed or altered in any way.
Click on poster image to download:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommericial-NoDerivaties 4.0 International License. These posters may be downloaded and reproduced for nonprofit and/or educational purposes. Neither the images or text may be changed or altered in any way.