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Voter Registration

Register to Vote Using CSUSM's Ballot Bowl Link

CSUSM is participating in California Students Vote Project (CSVP) Ballot Bowl initiative to increase civic engagement and voter participation among California university and college students. The campus with the highest percentage of registered voters wins a trophy. Let's win this CSUSMCheck out Ballot Bowl registration tracking.

To register online you will need your CA driver’s license or CA ID card number, the last 4 digits of your Social Security number and your birthday to register online.

Follow these steps to register to vote online:

  1. Go to
  2. Check the option the applies to you, then click ‘Next’.
  3. Input the rest of your information into the California State Voter Registration Form.
  4. Select CSU San Marcos for University or College affiliation.Registrar of Voters Affiliation Snapshot
  5. Carefully, review your information, then submit your form.
  6. You’ll receive an email confirmation of your application.

Register to Vote Online

Top Voter Registration Questions

Complaints of voter fraud may be reported to via the Secretary of State's Voting Information Hotline at 1-800-345-VOTE, or by filling out the Fraud Complaints Form and submitting to the address listed at the end of the form.

SD registrar of voters Your Vote Your Voice image