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Not Eligible to Vote

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Can't Vote? Here's How You CAN Help!

  • Share Voter Education Materials With Friends
  • Be a Watchdog, go to hearings
  • Organize Your Block or Building to Walk to the Nearest Poll Site to Cast Ballots Together
  • Volunteer at a Polling Site (Often Paid Opportunities)
  • Partner with a Non-Partisan Group to Register Eligible Voters
  • Offer to Drive Friends and Seniors to the Polls

This list was adapted from the Colorlines article, Can't Vote? Here Are Five Ways You CAN Participate.

Ways to Engage Beyond the Ballot

The Bucket List for Involved Citizens: 76 Things You Can Do to Boost Civic Engagement was created by the Brookings Institute.

Stay Informed
Read and subscribe to trusted news outlets, fact check news information, visit a library or museum, learn about the constitution.

Build Community
Volunteer at local non-profit, identify an issue of concern in your community and rally neighbors to address it, paint a mural, start a book club, mentor youth, serve as a juror.

Attend city council meetings, communicate with regional elected officials on community concerns.

Get Social
Host a watch or debate party, watch a documentary on a topic affecting your community and discuss with peers, support companies whose values match yours.