CSUSM Voting Stats
CSUSM earned a Gold Seal from the 2020 Election ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge for non partisan student voter participation efforts.
(19.2% higher than 2016)
Great job taking action everyone!
CSUSM's 2022 Voter Engagement Report
All Institutions
Registration Rate
The registration rate is the percent of your voting-eligible students who registered to vote.
- 2014: 61.9%
- 2018: 75.9%
- 2020: 86.4%
- 2022: 77.0%
Voting Rate of Registered Students
The voting rate of registered students is the percent of registered students who voted on Election Day. We often refer to this as the "Yield" rate.
- 2014: 25.1%
- 2018: 57.2%
- 2020: 84.6%
- 2022: 38.4%
Voting Rate
The voting rate is the percentage of eligible students eho voted on Election Day. The voting rate is also the profuct of the registration and yield rates.
- 2014: 15.5%
- 2018: 43.4%
- 2020: 73.2%
- 2022: 29.6%
Results shown from the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE) CSUSM 2022 Campus Report.