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Staff Needs & Experiences Survey

2020 Survey Results

 In Summer 2020, the Office of Institutional Planning & Analysis at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) partnered with Human Resource Services and the Office of Inclusive Excellence to develop and administer the Staff Needs & Experiences Survey following the University’s transition to majority virtual operations amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey was designed to give staff the opportunity to share their confidential perspectives on the campus’ COVID-19 response, reflect on their current work environment, and share how the University can better support employees as we work to build a culture of care at CSUSM.

All CSUSM staff and administrators (N = 937) were invited to complete the survey from June 24 through July 9, 2020. 645 individuals responded, for a total response rate of 69%. Respondents spanned all (then) five divisions, and included both stateside and CSUSM Corporation employees, as well as non-exempt staff, exempt staff, and Management Personnel Plan (MPP) positions. Responses were de-identified prior to analysis to protect confidentiality.

Results from the survey will inform ongoing staff care initiatives, including the development and launch of a new Staff Center.

Questions about the survey can be directed to IP&A at