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Exit (Graduation) Survey

The CSUSM Exit Survey is administered annually, both in the fall and the spring, to gather valuable insights from graduating students regarding their postgraduation plans. All degree-seeking students who apply for graduation are invited to participate. 

Says "Exit survey" with graduate capLogo for voices of CSUSM campaign

The Exit Survey is part of CSUSM’s Graduation Checklist and a commemorative CSUSM Alumni pin is offered as an incentive to all respondents to pick up at Commencement.

                   commemorative csusm alumni pin

2023-2024 Results

Note that survey data collected prior to 2023 includes only Spring graduates. If you require reports or data for a year not listed here, please submit a data request. Results for spring 2011- 2015 are available.

If you have any questions about the survey, contact Dominique Harrison in Institutional Planning & Analysis.

Institutional Planning & Analysis
—Providing information and answers that enable action—