Enrollment Data
These reports summarize CSUSM enrollment by term and include the ability to disaggregate data by academic and demographic variables to understand the characteristics and enrollment patterns of our student body over time.
CSUSM Enrollment
Census headcount and FTES at the student/major/university level
Student academic and demographic characteristics
CSUSM Instructional FTES (login required)
Instructional offerings and FTES generated at the course/department/college level
State-supported instruction only
CSU Systemwide Data
California State University Enrollment
Useful for systemwide-trends and cross-campus comparisons
The FTES metric computes enrollment proportionally based on a student’s unit load. For example, an undergraduate student enrolled in 15 units would generate 1 FTES, while an undergraduate student enrolled in 9 units would generate 0.6 FTES. Note that the CSU FTES Calculation differs from the FTE calculation used for federal reporting (IPEDS). Questions? Contact IP&A.
CSUSM Faculty & Staff may access additional reports in the Reporting & Data Analytics Repository (RaDAR).