Preparing to Graduate
Important Notice: Due to a 6pm ceremony addition, please make sure you check the website for the correct ceremony times.
You will not receive a diploma at the commencement ceremony. Confirmation of degree completion will not occur until official grades are posted. For more information on obtaining your diploma, please visit the Office of the Registrar's website.
You must apply for the term (fall, spring or summer) in which you plan to graduate through your Student Center in MyCSUSM. If you do not apply for the correct graduation term, you may risk not receiving an enrollment date to register for classes. Once final grades are posted, your record will be evaluated and your diploma will be sent to you via USPS first class mail to the mailing address posted in your MyCSUSM (see Registrar’s website for processing timelines).
Graduation applications and diplomas are processed by the Office of the Registrar.
Students eligible to participate in the December 2024 commencement ceremony are:
- Those who have completed their degree program at the conclusion of the fall 2024 semester.
Students eligible to participate in the May 2025 commencement ceremony are:
- Those who expect to complete their degree requirements at the conclusion of the spring 2025 or summer 2025 semesters.
- Apply to Graduate
To apply for graduation, log-in to your Student Center in MyCSUSM, and locate the Apply for Graduation field and follow the prompts for the appropriate graduation term. Undergraduate students must have a minimum of 85 semester units before they can apply. Students must be fully classified in the major before applying for graduation (no pre-major status). Students must apply to graduate by the deadlines below. If you do not apply by the graduation deadline, you may not receive your Marching Order Commencement Registration link.
Graduation Application Deadline Degree Level Fall Deadline Spring Deadline Summer Deadline Undergraduate Student (Bachelors) Nov. 1 March 15 March 15 Graduate Student (Masters) Nov. 1 March 15 March 15 Note: For undergraduate students who have not completed 85 units, your graduation application will be canceled, which may delay the period you receive your enrollment date.
When you apply to graduate, this does not automatically register you for Commencement. If you apply after the noted graduation application deadlines:
- You may not be notified about commencement.
- You may not receive a link to register for commencement.
- Your name may not be in the digital program.
- You will need to notify the Commencement Office of your late graduation application submission.
- The late graduation applicant may request a Marching Order Commencement registration link. This request may be granted if the late graduation applicant's ceremony has not yet reached venue capacity.
- The late graduation applicant's request to receive a Marching Order Commencement registration late may affect the number of ticket request (due to venue capacity), the ability to record their name by a professional voice artist, the ability to obtain a digital/physical copy of the GradPass. The late graduation applicant may have to visit the Help Desk at Graduate Check-In on Commencement Day.
For more information on applying to graduate, you may visit the Office of the Registrar's website.
- Register to Attend Your Ceremony
All participating graduates must register to attend their ceremony. An email with instructions will be sent to all eligible students via our third party vendor, Marching Order, to the graduate's @CSUSM email.
Registering for commencement will help us in the planning process to ensure that we are abiding to State's event permits, Venue requirements, and to ensure that there is enough staffing and accommodations for all registered graduates and guests.
Graduates who do not register to attend their ceremony by the may not be permitted to participate. All graduates will be responsible for reviewing their CSUSM emails (inbox and SPAM folders), the commencement website and other communications regarding commencement. All graduates will also be responsible for notifying the Commencement Office via email regarding not receiving a registration link or not receiving communications prior to the registration deadline.
Commencement registration deadline: November 8, 11:59 p.m.
For questions regarding commencement, please email the Commencement Office.
- Graduation Audit
Check your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) by logging in to your Student Center. The ARR tracks the completion of ALL degree requirements. The report lists all courses completed at CSUSM, courses in-progress, as well as any transfer course or test credit completed off-campus which has been submitted. Undergraduate students must have a minimum of 120 total units to graduate. Check that all grades and/or incomplete grades from previous semesters are posted accurately and that all transfer work appears. If there are any discrepancies on your ARR, please contact the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible.
Your ARR will note "Applied for Graduation" under Graduation Status (once your graduation application has been submitted) and will not be updated until your degree has been conferred.
- Verify Your Name and Mailing Address to Receive Your Diploma
It is your responsibility to verify in your Student Center that your primary name is spelled correctly and your mailing address is up-to-date; this is the name that will be printed on your diploma, and your diploma will be mailed to this address once your degree is awarded. Your primary name will also be your display name on the screen as you walk across the stage and what will be noted in the digital program.
If you do not update your address and your diploma is mailed to your former mailing address, you will be held responsible for any re-processing and mailing fees. Name change requests made after the commencement RSVP registration date (November 8th for Fall graduates), may not reflect in Marching Order and/or the digital publications in time for commencement.
Name change requests made after diploma has been mailed out will incur an additional re-processing and mailing fee. For name changes or mailing address changes, please follow the instructions noted on the Office of the Registrar's website.
- Pay All Balances on your Student Account and Clear All Holds
Check your Student Center to see if you owe any fees to the University, including parking and library fines. Please make the full payment before the end of the term. Email financial questions to Student Financial Services.
You will NOT receive your diploma until all balances are cleared. Visit the Office of the Registrar's website to learn more about holds and the Student Financial Services website on how to make a payment.
Any holds placed on your student account must be cleared in order to receive your diploma. If you clear a hold after Commencement, it is YOUR responsibility to notify the Office of the Registrar to have your diploma printed and mailed.
- Financial Aid - Complete Exit Loan Counseling
If you borrowed federal student loans while attending CSUSM, you must complete Exit Loan Counseling. You will need to log into the U.S. Department of Education Website, Office of Federal Student Aid.
Exit counseling provides important information to prepare you to repay your federal student loan(s).
If you have received a subsidized, unsubsidized or PLUS loan under the Direct Loan Program or the FFEL Program, you must complete exit counseling each time you:
- Drop below half-time enrollment
- Graduate
- Leave school
The Exit Loan Counseling takes about 20-30 minutes. You will need the following in order to proceed with the Exit Loan Counseling:
- Verified FSA ID
- Details on your income, financial aid, and living expenses
- Names, addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers
For additional information regarding the Exit Loan Counseling, please contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office at (760) 750-4850 or email the The Financial Aid Office.
- Attend GradFest
GradFest 2024 will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 19th from 10 - 5 p.m. at the Dome Plaza (in front of the bookstore).
This is your first opportunity to shop for all of your graduation gear and accessories, including:
- Cap & gown
- Diploma frames
- Graduation announcements
- Kukui leis
- College rings
- Join the Alumni Association
- and more!
Special GradFest Bundle Pricing may be available during GradFest only.
Can't Make it to GradFest? No worries! Visit the CSUSM University Bookstore website or in-person after GradFest.
- Visit the Career Center
The mission of the Career Center is to empower students and alumni to design and manage their career paths with clarity, competence, and confidence. The Career Center provides services to ensure development of individuals with respect to unique personal, cultural and professional values. Career Center services include:
- self-assessment instruments
- resume & cover letter assistance/critiques
- mock interviews
- job search assistance
- career counseling
- job fairs & networking events
- career workshops & info sessions
- graduate school advising
All Career Center services are provided free of charge for 6 months after graduation for alumni. After the six-month period, alumni can continue to receive services through membership with the Alumni Association.
For more information, please visit the Career Center Website.
- Complete your CSUSM Exit Survey
Complete Your CSUSM Exit Survey
Eligible graduates will receive an email in their @CSUSM inbox inviting them to take the Exit Survey. This short survey asks you about your plans after graduation. Your responses will be applied towards improving and implementing programs and initiatives that support students and alumni in their career development.
Graduates who complete the survey before the date specified in the email will be able to pick up a commemorative CSUSM Alumni pin at their Commencement ceremony.
Email the Office of Institutional Planning & Analysis with any questions.
- Join the CSUSM Alumni Association
Stay connected to Cal State San Marcos after graduation by becoming a member of the CSUSM Alumni Association! Get the Class Champion alumni membership package only available to the Class of 2024. This exclusive package is only available for purchase on-line while supplies last. The package also includes a gift to the Student Philanthropy Scholarship, a donor cord to wear at commencement, and an alumni branded reusable tote, t-shirt, license plate frame, and key chain. Class Champion membership costs $60.
Visit the Alumni Association Website for more information.
- Contribute to the Student Philanthropy FundThe Student Philanthropy Council (SPC) is a student committee charged with building the culture of philanthropy among all CSUSM students who need scholarship assistance. A suggested giving amount is $20.24 in honor of the Class of 2024. To learn more or make a gift, visit the Student Philanthropy Council website. You can also make a gift to the Student Philanthropy Scholarship and purchase an Alumni Association membership via the Class Champions package.
- Pre-Order Your CSUSM Kukui Nut LeiPre-order your orchid lei, flower bouquet, or CSUSM branded Kukui Nut Necklace today! They look great for pictures! Items purchased are available to be picked up on the day of your Commencement ceremony. Tents will be located on the Mangrum Track and Parking Lots.
- Make Sure you Attend the Correct Commencement Ceremony!
The final commencement schedule will be posted soon.
Take a look at the Commencement schedule to make sure you and your guests attend the correct ceremony.
- Receive Your Diploma
At the Commencement ceremony, you will only receive a diploma cover, not your actual diploma. Actual diplomas are typically mailed to graduates 8-12 weeks after final grades are posted and your degree has been conferred.
Degree conferral emails are sent to your CSUSM email account around mid-January for fall grads, mid-June for spring grads, and mid-September for summer grads. Your degree conferral email can also be accessed via the Communication Center in your MyCSUSM account. Once you receive the conferral email, your diploma is mailed via USPS first class. Please make sure that your mailing address is correct in your MyCSUSM and that your mailbox can hold an oversized envelope (about 9x12), especially if you live in a community where the mailboxes are in a centralized area. If your mailbox cannot accommodate oversized envelopes, your diploma may be returned and you will be held responsible for any re-processing and mailing fees.
Additional information can be found at the diploma details page.