Information on Subject Matter Preparation for Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Programs Applications
To apply to a Multiple Subject Credential Program, students must demonstrate subject matter competence (SMC). In accordance with AB 130, signed into law in July 2021, students who graduate with a major in Liberal Studies satisfy the subject matter competence requirement for Multiple Subject. Because of this law, as a graduate of CSUSM’s Liberal Studies major you automatically satisfy the subject matter requirements.
Note: Students who graduated with a major other than Liberal Studies, please visit this page.
Please note that the minimum GPA required for admission to a Credential Program is
The minimum GPA required to graduate with a B.A. in Liberal Studies is 2.0 (all classes
must be passed with a grade of C or better).
In addition, the CSUSM Liberal Studies B.A. is a subject matter program approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). This means that the coursework required for the major was thoroughly reviewed and approved by the CCTC. Therefore, students who meet GPA requirements and graduate from our program earn a Commission-Approved CSET I-III Subject Matter Preparation Program Waiver (referred to as the CSET I-III Waiver below). Earning this waiver demonstrates that students achieved a high level of competence in their coursework preparing them for K-8 teaching. See below for requirements to obtain this additional waiver as a graduate of CSUSM’s Liberal Studies major.
How do I qualify for the Commission-Approved CSET I-III Subject Matter Preparation Program Waiver?
In order to earn this waiver students must finish all Liberal Studies degree requirements with an overall GPA of 2.67 or higher, and graduate. Current students as well as alumni with 2004 and later catalog rights (ESM and ICP Options) are eligible to apply for the waiver. Note: Non-CSUSM students and CSUSM students with catalog rights prior to 2004 are not eligible to apply for this waiver.
CSET I-III Waiver Request Application
- Contact Brian Barry, Administrative Support Coordinator, if you have any questions. He may be reached at bbarry@csusm.edu.
Eligibility: To be considered for a CSET I-III Waiver evaluation, students must complete all degree requirements for the CSUSM Liberal Studies B.A. and earn an overall GPA of 2.67 or higher in their coursework.
Recommended Time Frame for Request if you have already graduated: If you have graduated with 2004 or later catalog rights and meet eligibility requirements, submit your evaluation request at any time.
Recommended Time Frame for Request if you are a current student: If you are a currently matriculated CSUSM Liberal Studies B.A. student, submit your evaluation request upon completion of your next to the last semester of your B.A. (For example, if you plan to finish all degree requirements in Spring 2024, submit your application for evaluation by the end of Fall 2023.)
If a request is submitted too early and too many required courses are still pending/incomplete the request will be withdrawn and the student will need to submit another request at a later time.
Following submission of the request form, the student’s overall GPA will be evaluated and if it is 2.67 or higher, the applicant will receive an email from the Liberal Studies Department verifying preliminary eligibility for the waiver. If the overall GPA is 2.66 or below, the student will receive an email indicating that they are not on track to receive the waiver. Upon completion of all degree requirements, the GPA for all applicants will be reevaluated and if an overall GPA of 2.67 or higher has been maintained or achieved, the student will receive a waiver verification letter signed by the CSUSM Chair of Liberal Studies and the CSUSM School of Education Credential Analyst.
Other important information
- Are you pursuing a teaching credential at another university? Because of AB 130, the LBST degree satisfies the subject matter requirement for applying to a Multiple Subject Credential anywhere in California.
- Students must also demonstrate Basic Skills competency to apply to a credential program. As of 2024, this requirement can be met through earning a 4-year university degree. See this website for other ways to meet this requirement if you need it for a certification that does not require a B.A.
- Are You Pursuing Bilingual Authorization? This authorization is optional and has additional CSET requirements; see a School of Education advisor for more information.