The articles and sections of the California State University San Marcos' APIDA-FSA bylaw excerpts below reflect pertinent items inherent with our organizational purpose.
Article I. Name, Nature, and Mission
Section 1. Name
The name of this organization is The Asian Pacific Islanders Desi American Faculty Staff Association at California State University San Marcos, hereinafter referred to as APIDA-FSA.
Section 2. Nature
APIDA-FSA is a non-profit organization. APIDA-FSA does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof. The funds of the association, whether received by gift or otherwise and regardless of the source thereof, shall be used exclusively for the mission set forth below.
Section 3. Mission
Its mission is to address and act on behalf of the needs of Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Desis on campus, promote professional development of its members by fostering fellowship and cooperation among members, and to serve the community of Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Desis through cultural activities and education.
Article II. Membership, Dues, Friends, and Meetings
Section 1. Membership
The membership of the association consists of members only. Membership to APIDA-FSA is not limited to Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Desis only, but rather to "California State University San Marcos employees" who support the spirit and intent of the association's mission statement.
Section 2. Dues
The membership annual dues are $20.00 per fiscal year from July to June of the following year. Dues are to be paid by September 1st.
Section 3. Friends of APIDA-FSA
Individuals from the university and community who subscribe to the spirit and intent of the association's mission statement, but do not wish to become voting members may elect to be affiliated with APIDA-FSA. Such individuals may become "Friends of APIDA-FSA" by contributing $10.00 minimally per fiscal year. A "Friend" is not eligible to vote, but is welcome and invited to all APIDA-FSA meetings and sponsored events.
Section 4. Meetings
The number of APIDA-FSA general membership meetings will be at the discretion of the current executive board, but minimally three will be held each fiscal year. The suggested meeting schedule includes a meeting in May (to begin the process of electing officers), June (establish a new executive board/discuss issues and ideas), and July (to set goals and objectives for the next academic year). The President or designee shall notify the members by email or telephone of scheduled meetings, which will usually take place on campus.
Article III. Terms of Office and Election
Section 1. Terms of Office
Terms of officers shall be one fiscal year from July to June of the following year. No individual shall hold the office of the President for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 2. Election Procedures
Nominations for officers may be taken from the floor of APIDA-FSA meetings or by recommendation of the Nominations/Elections committee. Nominees shall be APIDA-FSA dues paying members only. Nominations shall take place two weeks prior to the scheduled election. Elections are by secret ballot to be deposited in a ballot box or by a process as determined by the Nominations/Elections committee. Ballots shall be available for a one week period prior to the scheduled election. Elections shall take place no later than the 15th of June. Officers are elected by a simple majority (51%) of the voting members.