2023-24 Officer Elections
Call for Nominations: Monday, April 10 - Monday, May 1, 2023
Dear APIDA-FSA Member:
It's that time of the year for members of the APIDA-FSA to nominate and vote for 2023-24 officers. This form serves as the official nomination form. If you would like to submit more than one nomination, please submit a new form for each. Deadline to submit a nomination: Monday, May 1, 2023 (11:59 pm). Please note submitting a nomination is optional for members and is not required to participate in the election/voting process.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer Ho at jho@csusm.edu
Once the nominating process is complete, elections for the 2023-2024 APIDA-FSA Officers will take place beginning Wednesday, May 3 - Monday, May 15, 2023 (11:59 pm). All APIDA-FSA members will receive a link via email to cast their vote. All completed ballots by the deadline submission date/time will be verified and counted. Members who wish to abstain from voting should mark "abstain" on the ballot.
Election results will be shared on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at noon during the APIDA-FSA general meeting.
Officer Position Descriptions
- Chairs the APIDA-FSA organization
- Sets agenda/presides over meetings
- Ensures that decisions of organization are carried out
- Serves at APIDA-FSA spokesperson
- Actively seeks contributions from community patrons
- Manages APIDA-FSA organization bylaws
- Plans activities that generate funds for the organization
- Represents APIDA-FSA on committees and councils as needed (or appoints a delegate)
- Appoints additional officers as needed:
- APIDA Recognition and Graduation Chair
- APIDA Heritage Month Chair
- Fundraising Chair
- Marketing and Social Media Chair
- Recruitment/Professional Development Chair
- Technology CHair
Vice President:
- Presides over meetings in absence of President
- Maintains a roll of current members /recruit new members
- Manages the calendaring and reservations pertaining to APIDA-FSA general meetings
- Maintains minutes and proceedings of all members
- Record all votes of the organization (except if VP is part of election)
- Receives and deposits all funds
- Maintains financial records and keeps proper account of funds
- Manages APIDA -FSA memberships and Giving Day Initiatives
- Supports President and Vice President as needed