About Center ARTES
Center ARTES was founded at Cal State San Marcos by Dr. Merryl Goldberg in 2003. Her
vision was to create an organization dedicated exclusively to arts education and arts
integration in K-12 schools, an organization that could serve as a vehicle for exploring
and contributing to the developing field of education in, with, and through the arts.
The work of Center ARTES currently rests primarily in a) the realm of teacher professional
development (both pre-service and in-service), and, b) identifying and carrying out
research projects related to arts integration and arts education.
Center ARTES partners with school districts and arts partners to carry out projects.
At the heart of Center ARTES' successes are fruitful partnerships such as the award
winning SUAVE program (Socios Unidos para Artes via Educacion, or United Community
for Arts in Education), DREAM (Developing Reading Education with Arts Methods), and
the “Learning Through the Arts” initiative with San Diego Unified School District.
Center ARTES has proudly collaborated with many professional organizations such as
The California Center for Arts, Escondido, Playwrights Project, Young Audiences, and
local museums. These partnerships connect artists and art institutes with the teachers
and schools that will most benefit from their services.
Center ARTES' work is largely carried out by a group of art specialists who are skilled
in teaching with and through the arts. They work in partnership with local public
school teachers to help them approach all areas of the curriculum in more creative
and interactive ways. A primary philosophy underlying Center ARTES' work is that teaching
through the arts, commonly known as “arts integration” is a powerful tool for teaching
and learning.