Madison Farfan Receives the 2022 James R. Meindl Award
Madison Farfan, the recipient of the James R. Meindl CLIMB Outstanding Student Leader award for AY 2021-22, started out as a shy first-generation college student sitting at the back of the Management Society meeting and transformed within a few short years into a dynamic, innovative, and compassionate president of the student organization.
In addition to her roles and responsibilities as President of the Management Society, she also created meaningful change within the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), where she served as Vice President and later, Co-President. Madison also achieved academic excellence in her chosen major and is graduating in summer 2022.
The interview committee for the Meindl award was impressed with her approach to leadership, concern for her members, and extraordinary maturity. In particular, they noted how well she pivoted during Covid-19 to keep the members engaged and connected.
As Madison shared with selection committee, aside from academics, she has a passion for the performing arts. She has been dancing for eighteen years and have been privileged to pass on her knowledge and passion for the art form. As a dance instructor, she has coached her students to realize their full potential not just as dancers, but as individuals. Her work with adolescent girls has proven to be very empowering, as she has noticed tremendous growth in their overall confidence and courageousness to try new things. According to Madison, “Dance is so much more than just learning steps, and this mentality has encouraged me to wear multiple hats. Within seconds of processing a situation, I can adapt and serve as a mentor, coach, dance instructor, or friend.”
CLIMB is grateful to Emilie and Mark Hersh for sponsoring this year’s award.