CSUSM Faculty Involvement
One of our goals is to support faculty engagement and research in STEM programs at CSUSM. CRESE is a resource to help faculty connect with colleagues across campus, create proposals related to STEM education and research, and deliver innovative new programs.
Here's how we can help:
Idea Incubation
Are you interested in a small scale outreach and research project or piloting an educational innovation? We can provide guidance, support, and seed funding to test ideas or launch pilot projects. Let's brainstorm, refine, and try out ideas together!
Broader Impacts/Grant Support
Are you writing a proposal that requires broader impacts or an educational component? Is STEM education or STEM education research is the primary focus of your proposal or project? We can help you develop and write your proposal. CRESE has a proven track record in getting competitive grants and is familiar with writing grants for federal agencies and foundations. If funded, CRESE has the resources to pilot and deliver your program.
Access to Space and Networks of Experts
For projects aligned with the CRESE's mission of STEM education research and engagement, we can give guidance and access to networks of experts within our region and nationally, and provide access to STEMbassy space.
Evaluation services
We can help design and implement an evaluation plan for STEM education and STEM education research projects.
Services to Internal Projects and Units
We can provide services to internal grant-funded projects and campus units. For example, this may include community engagement and outreach to support your project's broader impacts. Fees are based on an approved rate schedule in compliance with Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200):
- Planning Costs: $47/hr
- Deliverables: $50/hr
- Direct Charge: Pass-Through + 5%*
- Evaluation Services: $86/hr
- For external users, a 28% surcharge to cover indirect costs will be applied.
For more information, please contact CRESE Director Dr. Edward Price at eprice@csusm.edu.