Information for Faculty Proposing GE Courses
Course Proposals
The GEC welcomes GE course proposals from CSUSM faculty. Faculty should first discuss the proposed course with their Department or Program Chair. Second, we strongly urge faculty to contact their GEC representative from their specific areas before submitting a course proposal. The GEC member can provide helpful assistance and important background information regarding courses that have been successful in receiving GE credit in that area. Additionally, the GEC member can alert the faculty member to any potential requirements he/she may not be aware of (e.g., Area E courses require a significant component on Information Literacy). Materials for course proposals include:
- course forms -- all areas
- List of Courses that Carry GE Credit OR you can easily search the online catalog
- Syllabi Policy, approved 8/20/15
The Course Approval Process
Faculty submit completed GE course forms and syllabi in Curriculog (located under the "Courses" tab). Please note that if this is a new course, it simultaneously goes through the traditional course approval process via the University Curriculum Committee (UCC). Generally speaking, courses are reviewed in GEC in the order they come in. In many cases, a course can be reviewed during a single GEC meeting. In other cases, it may take multiple meetings, especially in cases in which the proposal was not complete (e.g., missing a syllabus), did not have appropriate signatures (e.g, from the department chair or other departments potentially impacted by the course), or the information provided in the narrative was insufficent for a complete review. To avoid multiple iterations of course proposals, faculty are strongly urged to get feedback from their GEC representative or the GEC chair ahead of time.
Once a course is submitted, its progress can be monitored through the Approval Process steps in Curriculog. Additional information on the course proposal process (including deadlines) can be found on the Academic Programs website.
Need More Help?
- Criselda Yee, Academic Programs