GE Graduation Requirements
Important Note Regarding GE Advising: This listing is merely a summary of required units in the various GE areas and does not replace meetings you should have with undergraduate advisors regarding GE. Your advisors will help you select courses each semester and develop a long-term academic plan that meets your unique needs.
Each student must complete 48 units of coursework from 5 different areas of study in order to satisfy the GE requirement for a Bachelor's degree. These units must be distributed as follows:
Area A: Basic Skills (9 units)
A1: Oral Communication
A2: Written Communication
A3: Critical Thinking
Area B: Mathematics and Natural Sciences (12 units)
- B1: Physical Science
- B2: Life Science
- B3: Laboratory
- B4: Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
- BB: Upper Division Science and/or Mathematics
Area C: Arts and Humanities (12 units)
- C1: Arts
- C2: Humanities
- C3: Language other than English
- CC: Upper Division Arts or Humanities
Area D: Social Sciences (9 units)
- Dh: US History
- Dc: US Constitution
- Dg: US Government
- DD: Upper Division Social Science
Area E: Lifelong Learning and Information Literacy (3 units)
Area F: Ethnic Studies (3 units)
Area F: Ethnic Studies
For more information on courses that satisfy these requirements, consult the University Catalog and the GE Course list.
Other Degree Requirements
- Complete the Diversity and Equity Requirement
- In certain majors, complete the Language Proficiency Requirement
- Consult the catalog for additional requirements regarding GPAs and residency. More information can be found at the Office of Registraton and Records.
Assistance with Planning Coursework:
Visit the Academic Advising office to find information about graduation requirements, AP course credit, Roadmaps, and other tools to help plan for completion of the lower division GE requirements and preparation for their intended major.