General Education Program Student Learning Outcomes (GEPSLOs)
Every program on CSUSM has Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) designed to guide programmitc improvement. CSUSM's General Education program aligns with the CSU Chancellor's Office policy on General Education, and CSUSM's General Education Program Student Learning Outcomes (GEPSLOs) were developed to provide the program with a tool to guide learning and programmatic improvement. These outcomes are measured through annual assessment efforts that provide resource to the General Education Committee (GEC), an Academic Senate standing committee, in order to ensure the campus' committment to quality education. In addition, the GEPSLOs align with the campus Undergraduate Learning Outcomes (ULOs) as well as the AAC&U LEAP Initiative.
General Education Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of General Education coursework, students will be able to:
1. Describe and/or apply principles and methods that are necessary to understand the
physical and natural world.
2. Compare and contrast relationships within and between human cultures.
3. Communicate effectively in writing, using conventions appropriate to various contexts
and diverse audiences.
4. Use oral communication to effectively convey meaning to various audiences.
5. Find, evaluate, and use authoritative and/or scholarly information to comprehend
a line of inquiry.
6. Think critically and analytically about an issue, idea or problem, considering
alternative perspectives and re-evaluation of
one's own position.
7. Apply numerical/mathematical concepts in order to illustrate fundamental concepts
within fields of study.
8. Describe the importance of diverse experiences, thoughts, and identities needed
to be effective in working and living in
diverse communities and environments.
9. Apply knowledge gained from courses in different disciplines to new settings and
complex problems.