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Curriculum Resources

Assessment Information and Assistance

Contact the Assessment Specialist ( for support in aligning course and program Student Learning Outcomes.

Curriculog Resources, Guides, and Training
Curriculog is the program through which all Curriculum approval processes are submitted and reviewed. This fully web-based system allows for course and program origination, curriculum and program changes, as well as review and approval process by committee.

Curriculum Forms

Resources for Developing Your Curriculum

For Programs

For Course Development

Impact to Departments

For Departments

Course and Topics Forms

All forms are available in Curriculog (Must be logged in to view.)

Type of Proposal / Form Resources & Information 
C Form
Creating a New Course

Guide to Writing Course Descriptions

The approval of a C-form means that a new course may be offered for credit and its description will appear in the course catalog. However, the course will not automatically be listed as a new elective in a major or program. In order to assure that this new course appears in the catalog as an elective for a program/major, either:

    1. Complete a P-2 form describing the change, or
    2. Submit edited catalog copy via Word Doc using Track Changes, and add the new course (showing exactly where you want it to appear). The edited copy should be attached to the C form for the new course. 
C-2 Form
Changing an Existing Course

The approval of a C-2 form means that a course revision may be offered for credit and its description will appear in the course catalog. However, the course will not automatically be listed as a new elective in a major or program. In order to assure that this new course appears in the catalog as an elective for a program/major, either:

    1. Complete a P-2 form describing the change, or
    2. Submit edited program catalog copy via Word Doc using Track Changes, and add the new course(showing exactly where you want it to appear). The edited copy should be attached to the C-2 form for the new course.
C-2 Form

CRITERIA for submitting one C-2 form for a quantity of courses:

    1. The change has to be identical to all of the courses. No variation can be allowed from course to course.
    2. Only two types of changes allowed for bulk change format:
      • Prefix change (e.g., changing EDUC to EDRL).
      • Adding or removing a prerequisite/co-requisite/enrollment restriction/enrollment requirement.

    3. If there is opposition to the change in one of the courses in the Bulk change, you can remove that course from the bulk change (you can strike it out of the list) and the remainder of the bulk change can go forth. The course that was opposed would need to be resubmitted as a regular C2 form and the college committee can follow the standard opposition flow chart to address the opposition. This will prevent the remaining courses from being held up by a single course.
T Form
Proposing a Special Topics Course

A Topics proposal does not route through UCC and is approved at the Dean of Academic Programs.

  • Topics courses are allowed two offerings and must be converted to permanent course to continue.
  • To be offered a second time, email the Academic Programs Curriculum Specialist requesting the second offering. The email should also confirm that the course content has not changed.

After the course has been offered two times, a third offering is only permitted as an exception as long as a C form is in process (submitted via Curriculog), in addition to the points above. The Department Chair needs to email Dean Eisenbach requesting this exception.

List of Special Topics Containers and Courses

Guide for Proposing Special Topic Courses

Tips for Completing a Course Outline

D Form
Deleting an Existing Course

Deletion eliminates a course permanently OR refer to "Inactivating," below, if you intend to offer the course again in the future.

Inactivating an Existing Course Please refer to the Inactive Course Policy and contact Academic Programs to inactivate a course.
Reactivating an Inactivated Course No form - send an email or memo to Gayle Feallock (Catalog Specialist), Criselda Yee (Curriculum Specialist), and Regina Eisenbach (Dean of Academic Programs)

Extended Learning Course Forms

Type of Proposal / Form Resources & Information
X-T Form New Topic Course - Extended Learning: Offering a special topics degree-credit (i.e., "regular") course through Extended Learning
X Form Extended Learning - Non-Degree Credit Course: Offering a non-degree Extension Credit course* through Extended Learning

*A course, carrying University credit approved/established by the academic department but not listed in the General Catalog, which is designed primarily to address the needs of a specified client group or audience. These are professional-level courses which do not typically apply to credentials or degrees offered by the University.

Reference:  Extended Learning Definitions list 

For information about Extended Learning curriculum planning, please contact:

Aaron Guy, Associate Dean of Programming
Extended Learning

Program Forms

(All forms are available in CurriculogMust be logged in to view.

Type of Proposal / Form Resources & Information

Adding a New Degree Program to the University Academic Master Plan (UAMP)

Complete the Program Abstract proposal form (A Form) in Curriculog

Program proposers should contact their Dean’s office and Academic Programs for assistance

Background: New baccalaureate and graduate-level degrees must be approved by the Chancellor’s Office. Every January, CSU campuses send updated University Academic Master Plans (or UAMPs) to the Chancellor’s Office for approval by the Board of Trustees at their March meeting. When the Board of Trustees approves a campus request to add a new program to the UAMP, it authorizes the campus to submit a formal proposal to the Chancellor’s Office for establishing such a degree program.

Purpose: The A-Form is used to propose the addition of a new baccalaureate or graduate degree to the UAMP.

Process: After review by the appropriate college curriculum or planning committee, A-Forms are sent to Academic Programs. The forms are distributed to key University officers (including all members of Provost’s Council and the President’s Cabinet) for information dissemination, review and feedback. The feedback received as a result of this distribution is provided to proposers as it is received (to inform development of the program proposal) and to the Budget and Long-range Planning Committee (BLP). After review BLP will forward the A-Form to the Academic Senate for approval. See the UAMP policy for more details.

Timeline: Academic Programs needs to receive the A-Form no later than March 28 in order to ensure a timely review by Senate in the same year. If the A-Form is not approved by Senate by the end of the year the program has to wait another year before it can be added to the UAMP.


SUMMER REVIEW (by Chancellor's Office)

  • October 30: Date by which Academic Programs must receive A (after it has been reviewed by Dept. Chair, CAPC, and College Dean)
  • November 1: Date by which Academic Programs submits A form to BLP
  • March 1: Date by which BLP sends A form to Senate to request inclusion on Senate Consent Calendar
  • May (last Senate meeting): Date by which A form must be approved by Senate
  • May 15: Senate forwards approved draft of the UAMP for approval of President’s Designee
  • June: Request to add new degree program to UAMP is sent to Chancellor's office for September Board of Trustees meeting

WINTER REVIEW (by Chancellor's Office)

  • March 28: Date by which Academic Programs must receive A form (after it has already been reviewed by Dept. Chair, CAPC, and College Dean)
  • April 1: Date by which Academic Programs submits A form to BLP
  • November 15: Date by which BLP sends A form to Senate to request inclusion on Senate Consent Calendar
  • December (last Senate meeting): Date by which A form must be approved by Senate
  • December 15: Senate forwards approved draft of the UAMP for approval of President’s Designee
  • January: Request to add new degree program to UAMP is sent to Chancellor's office for March Board of Trustees meeting

Proposing a New Degree Program (BA, BS, MA, MS, etc.)

[Note that such programs must first be placed on the University Academic Master Plan (UAMP). See the A Form immediately above.]

(effective May 2021)

  1. Review the TIPS for Completing a Successful Program Proposal.This is an explanation of the items in the Proposal Template with examples that will help you understand what is required.
  2. Complete the New Program Proposal Template in Curriculog. Following the instructions given throughout the template and in the TIPS document referenced in #1 above will greatly simplify the approval process for this proposal. 

  3. For State-Support Programs:
      1. Undergraduate - Complete the Anticipated Revenues and Costs Worksheet (Undergraduate programs)
      2. Graduate - Complete the Anticipated Revenues and Costs Worksheet (Graduate programs)
      3. For Self-Support Programs -  Complete a Cost Recovery Budget (explained in item #56 in the New Program Proposal Template)
  4. Complete the CSU Degree Proposal Faculty Checklist
  5. Upload all documents to the P Form in Curriculog to begin the approval process.


  • Baccalaureate degree: minimum of 120 semester units
  • Graduate degree: From Title 5 (California Code of Education) regarding graduate programs: A minimum of thirty (30) semester units of approved graduate work completed within a maximum time to be established by each campus.

Proposing a New Minor 

A minor can be a sub-set of courses situated within a degree of study (Major) or a set of interdisciplinary courses focused on a theme but not connected to a specific Major. A new minor must contain at least 6 units beyond those used for Major requirements and other minors.

Proposing a 
new Option, Track, or Concentration

“Subprogram” may refer to any of the following: option, concentration, specialization, or track within a major.

Proposing a new Credential Program

A credential is a set of courses that comply with the requirements and regulations of an outside agency such as the Commission on Teacher Credentialing or the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, among others.

Elevating an existing Option
within a current Major to a stand-alone Major

Proposing a New Certificate

Changing an existing program

Complete a Program Change Form (P-2 Form)  Please include Catalog Copy indicating changes to the program with your P-2 form. How to Submit Catalog Copy changes in Curriculog.

Changes to a Program Title or CIP: please reference this Chancellor's Office document when completing your P-2

Adding Self-Support option to existing state support

Prior to implementation, all extended education instruction shall have been approved under procedures in place for state-supported instruction, and all academic policies governing self-support instruction shall be identical to or established under the same procedures as those governing state-supported instruction.

S form
Moving Self-Support to State Support

Proposals to convert an authorized self-supported degree program to state-supported funding requires approval from the Chancellor's Office. The campus should propose the change to the Chancellor's Office, specifying the degree program, offering a brief program description and rationale for making the change, and shall include a detailed budget worksheet including cost recovery budget, student fees per unit and total student cost to complete the program, anticipated student enrollment, a campus commitment to provide adequate faculty resources and the anticipated impact on the existing state­supported programs (Executive order 1099, 11. 1.2.4.).

Program Discontinuation


For new Pilots and Pilot Conversions use:

Pilot Proposal template

Pilot Conversion template

Doctoral Programs

Complete the Doctoral Program Proposal template in Curriculog. Following the instructions given throughout the proposal form. 

Follow the criteria in the Guidance for Proposing Doctoral Programs, along with submitting a WSCUC Substantive change screening, and the Doctoral Program Proposal. (Both are linked in the guidance document).

General Education Certification Forms

(All forms are available in Curriculog) Must be logged in to view.

Note that GE Forms supplement but do not replace ordinary course forms. So,

  • If this is a new course, a C Form needs to be submitted together with the appropriate GE form;
  • If this is an existing course that is not being changed, only the appropriate GE form needs to be submitted (no other forms are needed);
  • If this is an existing course that is being changed, a C-2 Form needs to be submitted together with the appropriate GE form;
  • If this is the first offering of a special topic course for which GE credit is being sought, a T Form needs to be submitted together with the appropriate GE form. 

If a topic course that has GE certification is converting to a permanent course with GE, BOTH a C-form and a GE form must be submitted together. GE credits do not carry over from the topic course to the permanent course

The Definition of Upper Division GE Courses:

Upper Division General Education provides an opportunity for students to learn about areas of study outside their academic major. Upper Division General Education courses assume satisfaction of Lower Division General Education Requirements and develop upper division skills. Courses should not require discipline­-specific prerequisites. Designed for non­-majors, these courses make explicit the basic assumptions, principles and methods of the disciplinary or interdisciplinary area of study. This conceptual framework and the applicability of these principles and methods should be emphasized throughout the course.

Upper Division General Education courses should help students see how disciplines, ideas, issues and knowledge are often interrelated, intersecting and interconnected. Upper Division General Education courses should present knowledge which can enhance students’ lives outside the classroom or their studies in other subjects. These courses should also provide students with a classroom environment that fosters independent, active,engaged learning and a genuine curiosity about the subject matter.

Upper Division General Education courses shall be three-­unit courses so that three such courses will exactly correspond with the 9­-unit Upper Division General Education requirement of the CSU.

(All forms are located in Curriculog under the "Courses" tab) Must be logged in to view.

GE or Graduation Requirement Form to Be Completed
  • A1 Oral Communication
  • A2 Written Communication
  • A3 Critical Thinking
  • B1 Physical Science
  • B2 Life Science
  • B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
  • BB Upper-Division Science and/or Mathematics
  • C1 Arts
  • C2 Humanities
  • CC Upper-Division Arts and Humanities
  • D_ Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  • DD Upper-Division Social Sciences
  • E Lifelong Learning and Information Literacy
  • F Ethnic Studies
  • GE Decertification Form
  • IDSS - Interdisciplinary Social Sciences / CHABSS lower-division


Diversity & Equity Certification Forms

See the D & E Resources page for help and information

  • Diversity and Equity Form in Curriculog 

  • If this is a new course, a C Form needs to be submitted together with the appropriate DE form;
  • If this is an existing course that is not being changed, only the appropriate DE form needs to be submitted (no other forms are needed);
  • If this is an existing course that is being changed, a C-2 Form needs to be submitted together with the appropriate DE form;
  • If this is the first offering of a special topic course for which DE credit is being sought, a T Form needs to be submitted together with the appropriate DE form.