What is assessment?
Assessment on the Cal State San Marcos campus involves the systematic evaluation of student learning.
Why do we assess?
Cal State San Marcos strives to provide an excellent education for all students. To ensure we do this, we use assessment information to improve program structure, course content, and pedagogy. While assessment on the California State University, San Marcos campus is an important/critical component for program review, curriculum development, and reaccreditation, the primary purpose of assessment at CSUSM is improving student learning.
Who oversees assessment?
- University Assessment Council - Faculty representatives from all Academic Majors
- Program Assessment Committee - Academic Senate committee comprised of elected representatives of faculty and appropriate ex-officio administrators and staff
- General Education Committee - Academic Senate committee comprised of elected representatives of faculty and appropriate ex-officio administrators and staff
- Dean of Academic Advising and Academic Programs
- College Deans
- Business Administration
- Eve McElrath, Assessment & Accreditation Specialist
- Education, Health and Human Services
- Kyle Landin, Assessment Specialist
- Humanities, Arts, Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Science and Mathematics
- Business Administration
University Assessment Specialist, Melissa Simnitt
How does assessment inform program review and general education?
Two committees, formed out of the Academic Senate (PAC and GEC), are tasked with evaluating programs. Every program on the CSUSM campus participates in a systematic evaluation process, reviewed by PAC. Likewise, all general education courses offered on the CSUSM campus are evaluated and reviewed by GEC. These two committees assess each program and general education course, ensuring the best quality education is offered to our CSUSM students.