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IT Strategic Plan

IT Strategic Plan

The Unified Technology Strategic Plan is our tool to understanding initiatives we need to be doing today to build the technology for CSUSM of the future.  Accomplishing these initiatives becomes  fundamentally important along with the effective process for measuring and monitoring results and tracking the progress of the initiatives beginning in 2018 until 2023.

Technology Strategic Plan (PDF) 

campus photo kellogg library plaza

Goals and Strategies - Innovate, Engage, Connect, and Inform

The plan's goals and strategies provide the framework for the campus to partner with IITS on creative solutions that are sustainable and meet service expectations of faculty, staff and students.  While the technology landscape is complex and changing, this plan outlines how CSUSM will innovate, engage, connect, and inform our decisions to ensure alignment of information and technology to the needs of the campus community. The Technology Projects will evolve and are specific projects or ideas that came out of the data gathering process in the initial development and the ongoing implementation of the plan.

IT Strategic Plan : Implementation Process

We published the document – now what?

CSUSM’s Technology Strategic Plan is an aspirational framework and living document. This plan and the supporting structures will be continually referenced, reviewed, and updated.  All units across the campus are encouraged to use this document as a context for evaluating technology investments and executing plans that are in alignment with the goals and strategies outlined. This process outlines how the divisional and unit level technology plans and projects are approved by the Information Management Steering Committee (IMSC) for formal inclusion. 

The Implementation Process includes updates on the key strategic initiatives. 

2017-18 : Planning Process

The Strategic Planning History includes the details on the process and principals used throughout the planning process. It was a long road and many hours of discussions, distilling notes and analysis to finalize the plan. The development of this plan required an input process that was more thorough than any technology strategic planning process previously used by CSUSM. The process provided a rare opportunity to engage in a wide-ranging dialog on trends and themes, internal and external technology needs.