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Hispanic Serving Institution

California State University San Marcos is a designated Hispanic Serving institution with the largest plurality of students identifying as Latinx. California State University San Marcos has multiple grant-funded programs with the intention of furthering Latinx students towards degree completion by addressing unique barriers that affect the community.

2022 Mission

The HSI Summit seeks to grow into a space where HSI grant funded programs can receive the institutional support they need to enhance their effectiveness.

About the 2022 HSI Summit

In 2022, CSUSM invited regional CSUs and Community College partners to share their institutional efforts towards HSI effectiveness and highlight best practices for Latin@/x student producing/enhancing outcomes. A leading HSI Scholar and speaker - Dr. Gina Garcia delivered the keynote address on April 21, 2022 from 5:30 - 7:00 pm.

See below for conference agenda. 

Guest Speaker

Dr. Gina Garcia

Dr. Gina Garcia, keynote speaker and leading HSI Scholar


HSI Summit Day 1 - April 21, 2022
Event Date/Time/Location Description and Registration

Faculty Workshop: Assessing Servingness at Hispanic Serving Institutions

2:30 - 4:00 pm
KEL 2413 and Zoom

An exclusive opportunity for Faculty

Keynote Speaker Dr. Gina Garcia will provide CSUSM Faculty with a training workshop by Dr. Garcia!

Topics include: (1) history and overview of HSIs, (2) HSI servingness defined by outcomes, experiences, organizational structures, and external influences, (3) current HSI research, and (4) assessing servingness.

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HSI Summit Keynote: Dr. Gina Garcia

5:30 - 7:00 pm

Hybrid online and in person in the Kellogg Reading Room 5400

A recording of the keynote from Dr. Gina Garcia can be accessed through this link.

HSI Summit Day 2 - April 22nd, 2022
Event Time/Location Description and Registration
Opening/Saludo 9:30 am

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Brief HSI/MSI History and Overview of CSU Latinx Student Success Outcomes 9:40 am

A brief introduction of Hispanic Serving Institution history. From Minority Serving Institution status to the launch of HSI initiatives from the federal goverment, this session will provide a brief overview of the policies and the intent of HSI grants. This session will also provide an overview of CSU Latinx Student Success. 

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Principle Investigators Roundtable Discussions  10:30 am

A conversation with Principle Investagors at CSUSM. In this session, we will highlight the following HSI programs at CSUSM: PASO, Project Support, and Si Se Puede! To Close Equity Gaps In  Engineering Degree Completion. The session will focus on providing awareness of HSI grants on campus, success outcomes, and equity challenges impacting Latinx Student Success at CSUSM.

Summit Platica y Progreso 12:00 pm

Brainstorming session with participants and feedback gathering dialogue aimed at developing intentional University wide strategies to close equity gaps for Latin@/x Students and move forward HSI initiatives.

Best Practices and Approaches 1:15 pm

Conversation piece with faculty and administrators from established HSIs around the Southern California Region. Members from San Diego State University, CSU Fullerton, and Palomar College will be part of the session. Individuals will highlight challenges, best practices, and current action steps at their institutions to move forward HSI Latinx student success efforts. 

Anuncios y Avanze 2:15 - 2:30 pm

Closing of HSI summit.