Children (9-13)
You may have come to this webpage because someone in your family is sick. It might be your mom, dad, brother, sister, or someone else you care about. It could be that the person you love got sick suddenly, or it has been going on for a long time. Or maybe someone you love has died and you are hurting inside. It is hard to focus on other things and be happy when you are worried about other people you love or you are missing someone who has died. But there are things you can do to feel better, and people you can talk to. We created this website to help you find the help you need.
I don't feel good inside
How Does it Feel to be a Young Caregiver?
Are you having a lot of feelings you don't understand? Check out this video to help you know what you might be feeling and help you understand.
Someone I love is sick
Someone in my family has cancer: A video for kids and parents HD
It is really sad and sometimes hard to understand when a family member has cancer. We hope this video will help you understand what cancer means and give you comfort.
Someone I love has died
Childhood Bereavement: Ways to Cope with your Emotions
This is the story of Sophie who lost her mom when she was young. In this video, she will give you some ideas on how to cope with losing a loved one.
People who can help you

Other Family Members

Teachers and Counselors

Other Adults

You may have other adults in your life who can help you. Some children know adults from their church/synagogue/mosque who are good listeners and can help them. Other young people have a coach that they feel close to.
The most important thing is to talk only with adults you trust. These are adults who know you or your family and make you feel safe and comfortable. They do not try to make you do things you don’t want to do, and they want you to talk with your parents about the help they are providing. Talking with an adult you trust will help you to feel better.
Ask Us
You can always send your questions to us. We will read the questions we receive and respond on our FAQ page on a weekly basis. We want you to have the information you need to help you and your family.