The Love Generator Mural Project
New Mural for the Cross-Cultural Center
The Cross-Cultural Center created a new community mural in Spring 2019 as we completed our 15th anniversary celebration. The first mural was placed in Commons 207 and created with the assistance of Armando Cepeda. As we look to the next 15 years in the University Student Union, we want a piece that is reflective of our mission, our diverse student population, and the current issues we face.
The Love Generator Community Mural is a culmination of a series of five workshops facilitated by The Traveling Tribe of Light (@isaiascrow & @irenecastruita) in the Cross-Cultural Center during the months of March and April 2019. The detail work and finalization of the mural was completed at muralist and workshop facilitator Isaias Crow’s art studio at the end of May 2019.
Photos and Videos
Project Dates
- Friday, April 12 - Mural Workshop; 12-2pm
- Saturday, April 13 - Mural Intensive; 10am-3pm
- Friday, April 19 - Mural Painting Day; 12-4pm
- Saturday, April 20 - Mural Painting Day; 10am-3pm
All of the workshops and painting were conducted in the Cross-Cultural Center (USU 3400).
About the Artist
Learn more about our commissioned artist, Gibran Isaias Lopez professionally known as Isaias Crow, an international muralist, speaker, author and workshop facilitator on the subjects of introspection, personal development, spiritual well-being, creativity and team building.