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College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics


Chemistry and/or Biochemistry Job Openings

California State University San Marcos is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer strongly committed to equity and diversity and seeks a broad spectrum of candidates in terms of race, sexual orientation and identity, gender, age, and disability or veteran's status.  The university is particularly interested in candidates who have experience working with students from diverse backgrounds and a demonstrated commitment to improving access to higher education for under-represented groups.

CSUSM has been designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) and an Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) and was recently named one of the top 32 Colleges most friendly to junior faculty by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education.  For more information, please visit: Faculy Opportunities

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Chemistry and/or Biochemistry:

We are pleased to announce that we will have one tenure track faculty opening and more information will be available soon.  For additional information about , please visit the Faculty Careers website.

Part-time faculty positions:

We maintain a pool of people who are interested in teaching part-time in our Department. When a need arises, we review the files in the pool to find the instructor most suited to the particular course. A master's degree or terminal degree in the area of instruction or a closely related field is the minimum requirement. Previous college teaching experience is highly desirable. If you are interested in a part-time faculty position, please apply at: Lecturer Opportunities.

Laboratory instructors:

Laboratory instructors help teach the introductory chemistry laboratories. These positions are normally for 3 hours per week. If you are currently a graduate student in the CSU, or if you have a master's degree in chemistry and/or biochemistry, or if you are currently teaching chemistry at the advanced high school level, you are eligible. If you are interested in a laboratory instructor position, please apply at Laboratory Instructors.