In-Range Progression (IRP)
IRP Key Points
Below is a brief overview of the IRP criteria, when you can apply for an IRP, and how long before you can apply for another one. If you have a specific question regarding an IRP, please contact us.
Don't forget to download the IRP Forms and submit your request for an increase now!
- Who can submit an IRP?
You or your manager (on your behalf) may submit a request for an IRP.
HR requests that the manager sign the form, not necessarily approve the request before it is submitted to HR. - What happens if the manager does not sign the IRP form?
The contract requires that the manager forwards the request to HR within 30 days. If yousubmitted your IRP packet and IRP coversheet to CSUEU by email to, the CSUEU will forward the IRP packet to HR on your behalf on day 30. - What is the criteria for an IRP?
Any of the criteria listed in our union contract (20.24b) is sufficient. However, the stronger your case, the more likely you are to have it approved. The criteria for requesting an IRP include, but are not limited to:
- Assigned application of enhanced skill(s)
- Retention
- Equity
- Performance
- Out-of-classification work that does not warrant a reclassification
- Increased workload
- New lead work or new project coordination functions given to an employee on an ongoing basis by an appropriate administrator where the classification standard/series do not specifically list lead work as a typical duty or responsibility
- Other salary-related criteria
- Are all IRPs granted?
No, sadly, not all IRPs are granted; however, if you are notified in writing that it was denied solely due to a lack of funds, you can request to have the IRP application to be re-evaluated the following fiscal year (20.24c).
If you are successful in receiving your IRP, you may want to start working toward your next request, but remember that according to article 20.24d of the contract, “An employee shall not submit a request for an in-range progression prior to twelve (12) months following receipt of a response to any prior in-range progression requests.”
- IRP Rationale
Document and present your rationale for an IRP based on any one or more of the criteria listed above. Be sure to review your job description plus your classification standards and performance evaluations. These will determine if you qualify and also help in the success of your IRP.
- How much of a pay increase can I expect?
The minimum increase for an IRP is 3%. The union recommends that you state a specific increase that you would like to receive along with your rationale for that amount. Your union stewards can assist you in providing comparative data on salaries earned by your peers in your classification. The amount cannot exceed the top of the range for your classification. - Update your job description
Be sure to update your job description and include it in the IRP packet, especially if your job now includes new responsibilities.