Monday - Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 5pm
(unless otherwise posted)
Administrative Building 4200 & 4300
(760) 750-3445
Applying for DSS
Course Materials In Alternate Format (E-Text)
Students with documented print impairments, or are otherwise in need of this service, must work closely with their DSS Counselor and should complete the following forms each semester in which course materials in alternate formats are required.
Once verified with DSS please fill out the following forms to request your alternative format(s).
Applying for Services through Disability Support Services
Students interested in receiving reasonable accommodations will need to submit an Application for Support Services and documentation of their disability. Students can provide DSS with documentation of their disability that is currently within their possession or they can have a treatment provider fill out the Disability Verification Form. Both of these forms are available below for download.
Requesting Special Accommodations for On Campus Housing
Students interested in receiving special accommodations in order to take part in on campus housing will need to submit documentation that clearly supports their requested accommodation. In addition, utilizing the interactive process, students will need to meet with a DSS Counselor to talk about their requested housing accommodation and review their supporting disability documentation. Students should complete Section 1 of the Housing: Special Accommodation Request Form and then schedule an appointment to meet with a DSS Counselor.
Emotional Support Animals
Students who have a disability related need for an Emotional Support Animal to reside with them within on campus housing will need to complete the forms provided below.
All forms can be returned to the DSS Office located in Administrative Building 4200 either in person, by fax (760-750-3445) or mailed. Completed paperwork should not be sent via email. All documents that will be mailed should be addressed to the following:
California State University San Marcos
Disability Support Services
333 South Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096-0001
The forms provided in this section of our homepage are not exhaustive. If you are interested in learning more about DSS, or in accessing additional forms, then please call us at (760) 750-4905 or email us at: dss@csusm.edu.