Your  Account:

Current Students

Forms & Links

Current Semester Information

Important dates and deadlines regarding enrollment, tuition payment, finals and registration can be found at the Enrollment Information site for the current semester. 

For more information, please refer to the current Academic Calendar

GEW Student Success Tips

Reminder About Course Modes: 

It is very important that you understand the specific expectations and schedule set by your instructor. Always refer to your syllabus for unique instructions for your course.

In-Person: Just like before the pandemic, an in-person class means that you will meet on campus together for the duration of each class meeting. All instruction is delivered in person, check the class listing in MyCSUSM for the schedule and classroom.

Virtual Asynchronous: An asynchronous class means that you will complete lessons, activities, etc. in your own time but while still meeting your instructor's due dates and deadlines. Please refer to your specific instructor's directions about assignment types, expectations, and due dates.

Questions? Consult your syllabus or contact your instructor during their office hours, listed below.

Faculty Office Hours

Contacting Faculty in Spring 2025: Students should always refer to their syllabi for faculty availability. Not all faculty work weekends or observed holidays. Generally, you may expect a reply to your email within 3 business days during the official academic semester. Department Coordinator or Chair should only be contacted if you haven't received a reply from your instructor after 3 business days have passed.  Please see this page for a table of current office hours.