Partners On-Campus
Many on-campus resources are available for GEW students and the GEW program itself works closely with several offices and departments to ensure the success of its students. Below is a list of partners and resources GEW most commonly works with:
- The Writing Center: All currently enrolled GEW students are required to meet with a consultant in the Writing Center twice per semester and are encouraged to meet more than that whenever possible.
- The Kellogg Library: Each GEW class attends an instructional day at the library that is taught by one of our full-time librarians. The librarian shows students what scholarly research is, how to conduct it, and gives them hands-on experience doing it. Please coordinate your visit to the library with Allison Carr, the Academic Transitions Librarian. Both she, and Torie Quinonez, the Arts & Humanities Librarian, offer assistance to GEW instructors for assignment development, and to students for help at any stage in the research process. The library homepage is an excellent resource not only for contacting any librarian via chat, but also for finding books, accessing scholarly databases, and requesting books from off-campus libraries.
- The Office of First-Year Programs: Supports student success at the freshman level. Because the first year of college comes with so many new experiences and challenges, First Year & University Programs has several tools and services in place to help students succeed at the University even prior to their first day of classes.
- The Office of Student Affairs: A one-stop shop for resources on campus. Even if you do not know what you need, you can contact the Dean of Students office and they will help direct you to the right place. This office is also in charge of implementing procedures and rules on campus, including those related to student conduct.
- Academic Success Center: Offers group study space for students and schedules a wide range of programming and workshops for students on academic issues. For further information contact asc@csusm.edu.