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Certified Wellness Coach

What is a Certified Wellness Coach?

Becoming a Certified Wellness Coach lets you play a role in
improving mental health and well-being of children and
youth in California.

Today’s mental health crisis is negatively impacting children
and youth in California. Certified Wellness Coaches can create
real change. Coaches can make a positive difference in
schools, health care programs, and community organizations
because they can help the young people they serve have
better, happier lives.

Want more information and program updates? Complete this form!

How to Become a Certified Wellness Coach

  • Graduate from CSUSM with a BA in Human Development (Counseling) taking Wellness Coach Training Program electives.
  • Complete a minimum of 800 hours of supervised field
    experience through any combination of hours from field
    practicum in their degree, internship hours, or work
    experience. (Upon graduation, applications are accepted
    with 300 hours completed. Any hours not completed
    during degree program can be completed post -graduation
    via relevant internship or work experience.)
  • Visit for more information, and watch this 5-minute video for an overview of wellness coaching

Financial Support is Available!

Wellness Coach Scholarship Program (WCSP)

The Wellness Coach Scholarship Program's goal is to educate and train students to serve as Certified Wellness Coaches (CWC) in California. WCSP provides scholarships to students in associate and bachelor's degree programs that qualify them for Wellness Coach Certification through the education pathway in exchange for a 12-month service obligation providing CWC services in California. Eligible applicants may receive up to $35,000.

Scholarship Application Dates

    • Opened January 2nd
    • Closes February 13th @ 3:00pm

Review the 2025-26 Wellness Coach Scholarship Program Grant Guide for program guidance and requirements. For technical assistance, please consult the 2024-25 Wellness Coach Scholarship Program Technical Assistance Guide.

If you have any questions about the scholarship, feel free to reach out to