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CSUSM professors Carly Offidani-Bertrand (left) and Paola Ometto teamed up to receive a National Science Foundation grant recently.

Two Professors Earn NSF Grant to Study Minority Entrepreneurship

Two Cal State San Marcos professors have teamed up to receive a grant from the National Science Foundation to explore what factors affect the development of entrepreneurs in minority communities.

“We are really excited to be awarded a grant that focuses on developing research capacity among faculty and students at minority-serving institutions,” Offidani-Bertrand said. “We are very grateful for this opportunity to engage with our community to generate knowledge that can be used to create future supports for aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as gives us resources to involve our students in applied research that will facilitate their growth.”
Full Article: Two Professors Earn NSF Grant to Study Minority Entrepreneurship

CSUSM student Ruby Reyes (third from left) is pictured with members of the Identity & Diversity Lab at Duke University, where she participated in a summer research program.

Student Enjoys Summer to Remember at Duke

Out of about 600 students who applied to the program, Reyes was one of only eight who were selected, and the only one from the West Coast. 

“I was pretty shocked,” Reyes said. “Duke is a prestigious institute, and as an underrepresented student, I really didn't think I had a very good chance. I never thought I was going to be able to get accepted to that type of school. And once I got there, it was even more shocking. I was like, ‘Am I dreaming?’ ”
Full Article: Student Enjoys Summer to Remember at Duke

CSUSM assistant professor of human development Rodney Beaulieu.

Research Plays Key Role for Human Development Faculty

Faculty members in Cal State San Marcos’ human development program are in agreement when it comes to their students: The students all want to make a difference in people’s lives.

“These kids want to change the world, and they can have a major that actively works at that,” said Alice Quiocho, director of CSUSM’s human development department in the College of Education, Health and Human Services.

CSUSM’s human development program provides students with a strong foundation for career development in working with people with diverse needs and backgrounds.
Full Article: Research Plays Key Role

Top 2016 Graduates Honored with Awards

J. Johnson - HD Outstanding Graduate - 2016

Jamaela Johnson,
B.A. Human Development

HD Department Outstanding Graduate Award Recipient-2016
CEHHS Dean's Award Recipient-2016
President's Outstanding Graduate Award Recipient-2016

Jamaela Johnson would be the first to tell you that when she arrived at Cal State San Marcos from Vista Murrieta High School in Murrieta, she was a little bit of an introvert. No more. The standout scholar has transformed herself into an engaged community advocate involved in myriad causes on campus and in the larger community.

And our university is a lot better place because it.
Full Article: Top 2016 graduates honored with awards

C. Proshow_Award Recipient

Carolyn Proskow,
B.A. Human Development

Dean of Students Leadership Award Recipient-2016

Carolyn Proskow’s viewpoint is clear: “Being a campus leader means standing by and for students in their greatest moments of vulnerability,” she said. “Even if I cannot relate to their specific experience, I recognize that healing and recovery begins with the knowledge that others are willing to help.”
Full Article: Top 2016 graduates honored with awards

Dr. Rafael Hernandez

Dr. Rafael Hernandez

Associate Professor, Human Development

Dr. Rafael Hernandez: Advocating for Social Justice at a University Advocating for Social Justice

When Rafael Hernandez looks across the Cal State San Marcos campus, he sees a university steeped in diversity, a university not afraid to take chances, and a university that is actively trying to expand its efforts to serve the underserved. These are among the reasons why the assistant professor of human development loves teaching here. 
Full Article: Dr. Hernandez