Links, Tools, and Resources
Resources and Support for Grief, Bereavement, and Loss

Websites offering information and resources for grief support:
- Understanding Grief and its Impact
- Guide to internet resources for grief support, sorted into various categories
- Grief and bereavement—an overview
- Comprehensive website dedicated to grief support
- Responding to COVID-19 Grief, Loss, Bereavement—website with multiple resources related to pandemic impact
- Grief support for all ages, including resources in Spanish
- HelpGuide—Coping with Grief and Loss
- Children’s Bereavement Center: Resources for talking to kids about grief, and more
- Care for families grieving the loss of a loved one in the military service
- Resources for those grieving from a sudden death
- Understanding different cultures and how they grieve
Articles and podcasts on grief and bereavement:
- Grief, bereavement, and mourning—a basic overview
- “Too Much Loss: Coping with Grief Overload”
- “That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief”
- “How to Cope with Grief Amid COVID-19”
- “Grief and COVID-19: Mourning our bygone lives”
- Accepting and making peace with grief
- Grief and creativity, and grief in the context of gender/ sexuality (podcast)
- “How Men Grieve”
Scholarly Articles on Grief related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- “Supporting Adults Bereaved Through COVID-19: A Rapid Review of the Impact of Previous Pandemics on Grief and Bereavement.”
- “Grief During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Considerations for Palliative Care Providers.”
- “Managing Bereavement around the Coronavirus (COVID-19).”
- “Bereavement in the Time of Coronavirus: Unprecedented Challenges Demand Novel Interventions.”
- “Complicated Grief: What to Expect After the Coronavirus Pandemic.”
- “Loss and grief amidst COVID-19: A path to adaptation and resilience.”
- “Grief and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Older Adults.”
Planning for Future Healthcare Needs: Resources, Information and Support for Advance Care Planning (ACP)
Websites offering comprehensive information and toolkits for Advance Care Planning:
- The Conversation Project: A comprehensive online guide to planning for your care, including toolkits, information, and resources
- Information and resources from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)
- Advance Care Planning—website of the National Institute on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- The Five Wishes Toolkit—a guided approach to advance care planning
- ACP toolkits and Resources from the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California: https://coalitionccc.org/tools-resources/advance-care-planning-resources/
- Prepare for your Care—advance directive forms for CA in 11 different languages, guides to advance care planning, and more
- Advance Care Planning: Glossary of Terms
- Advance Care Planning Guide: List of Resources
- Alzheimer’s Association guide to advance care planning
- Advance Directive designed for dementia patients
- California Advance Health Care Directive—Online electronic form
- English—Spanish translation of ACP terms, definitions, and clinical Q&A scripts
- “Advance Care Planning: Ensuring Your Wishes Are Known and Honored If You Are Unable to Speak for Yourself.” (Centers for Disease Control, Healthy Aging Initiative)
- “I’m Young and Healthy: Why Do I Need an Advance Health Care Directive?”
- “Why Millennials Should Have an Advance Directive.”
- “Why High School Seniors Need an Advance Directive.”
- “How to Create an Advance Directive in California.”
- “Advance Care Planning for Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.”
- “With Dementia, More is Needed than a Boilerplate Advance Directive.”
Scholarly Articles:
- “Failure to Engage Hospitalized Elderly Patients and Their Families in Advance Care Planning.”
- “Tending to all their needs: Advance care planning for pediatric patients.”
- “Ethics and Advance Care Planning in a Culturally Diverse Society.”
- “Ethical Challenges in Advance Care Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
- “The Importance of Addressing Advance Care Planning and Decisions About Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders During Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).”