Integrated Risk Management supports and partners with the campus community to balance responsible stewardship of the resources of California State University San Marcos with achievement of the University's mission, vision & values, and operational practicality.
How We Can Help
Integrated Risk Management (IRM) can assist in planning for and managing the risks associated with a wide variety of matters and topics that are a part of campus life and business.
California State University San Marcos participates in the system wide CSU Risk Management Authority (CSURMA) risk pool, which is funded by premium contributions from each CSU campus.
Special events and activities often pose additional risk to the University and activity participants. As such, Special Event Insurance may be required. For consultation and assistance in determining whether Special Event Insurance is required, IRM can help!
CSUSM strives to offer safe and enjoyable educational environments for youth. In support of that goal, the youth protection program establishes standards and protocols for the safety and protection of youth, staff, faculty, volunteers, and CSUSM.
Integrated Risk Management is responsible for receiving and responding to subpoena and other legal orders. In adherence to legal and CSU standards, IRM manages and safeguards campus records requests to ensure regulatory compliance, proper handling and storing and timely response.
Integrated Risk Management in partnership with the University Police Department monitors and approves drone flight requests on campus to minimize risks and ensure compliance with campus protocols and FAA regulations.
A set of established and enforced regulations for animals on campus, the Animals on Campus Policy applies to individuals using the campus grounds or buildings.
For questions about our programs and services, please contact us at 760-750-RISK (7475) or risk@csusm.edu.