Your  Account:

Subpoena Management

Campus Subpoena Coordinator

Service of Subpoenas

If a process server attempts to serve you with a subpoena for campus records, they should be redirected to deliver the subpoena to Administration Building, Suite 4700, the Safety, Health and Sustainability Office, who will contact the Campus Subpoena Coordinator in the office of Integrated Risk Management. The campus does not accept service of subpoenas by mail (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.), fax, or email, however, if you receive a subpoena in this manner, please contact the Campus Subpoena Coordinator.   

If the subpoena is addressed to you and it relates to your CSU employment, then personal service to you is required, and you can accept service. You should then notify your supervisor and the Campus Subpoena Coordinator so that you can receive guidance on how to respond. 

If a process server attempts to serve you with a summons, complaint, or other legal document pertaining to CSUSM and/or the CSU, advise them that you are not authorized to accept the document and refer them to the California State University Office of General Counsel. Additional information is available online at: Service of Process Subpoenas.

If you are served with a subpoena that is addressed to you regarding a non-University matter, the above direction does not apply and you may wish to seek the advice of private legal counsel.