Your  Account:

International Travel Insurance

Processing Time

Please allow at least 4 weeks to process an international travel request. This may take longer depending on your department's specific approval flow. It is recommended to submit your request as soon as trip dates are confirmed.

As a reminder, Level 4 countries, as well as embargoed and sanctioned countries, are off limits for ALL CSUSM funded travel. Even if your staff/faculty are traveling for personal reasons, but bringing their work laptop or phone, they still must follow precautions to avoid data being stolen. For more information, please visit OGSR’s Export Control website.

Foreign Travel Insurance Program (FTIP)

The Foreign Travel Insurance Program (FTIP) is mandated for traveling faculty, staff, and students who are participating in University sponsored trips, regardless of the funding source

Integrated Risk Management currently covers the foreign travel insurance premium costs for employees and students traveling on approved University business.  With the exception of student participation in an approved Study Abroad Program, foreign travel insurance shall not be procured from another source.

Requesting Foreign Travel Insurance 

Coverage Benefits

Upon confirmation of FTIP coverage, the participant will receive a "Foreign Travel Assist" card to carry while traveling outside of the United States.  The card provides instructions for calling "collect" to receive the FTIP benefits described below.  FTIP coverage provides the participant with assistance while traveling abroad, in most instances without the participant having to assume any out-of-pocket expenses. 

FTIP Coverage

Other Resources


Please contact the Travel Office at