Your  Account:

Requesting Foreign Travel Insurance


  1. CHECK with your division/department to ensure you are following the required protocols

  2. COMPLETE a Travel Request
    • Requests wil be routed to the traveler's One-up Manager,  Funding Authority, and then to the President or designees. 

  3. VERIFY Hazard Level of Destination: May require Chancellor's Office approval
  4. ENROLL in the Safe Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) - Available only to U.S. citizens

  5. COMPLETE Foreign Travel Insurance Request Excel Form

  6. SUBMIT the following to the Travel Office:
    • Completed Foreign Travel Insurance Request Excel Form
    • Proof of enrollment in STEP program (screen capture is acceptable)
    • Verification of High Hazard Status - travel to war risk areas require Chancellor's Office approval first before insurance can be procured