Your  Account:

Roles & Responsibilities

Travel Request
Role  Responsibility 


Ensures Travel Request is submitted timely with accurate supporting documentation. 

Must obtain Foreign Travel Insurance when traveling internationally.

Funding Authority 
also be Principal Investigator for 85xxx projects) 

Ensures funding is available.   

For 85xxx projects only: 
Principal Investigator (or designee) 

Ensures business purpose meets objectives of the sponsored project scope. 

One-up Manager

Approves the traveler may travel and the business purpose is justified.  

Ensures necessity and contribution to the University mission. 

For 85xxx projects only: 
Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)

Confirms funding is available and travel is allowed per the award terms and conditions and other applicable regulations.   

Integrated Risk Management - International Travel       

Reviews risk of international travel.


Travel Expense Report 
Role  Responsibility 


Individuals traveling on official University business must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the CSU Travel Policy and CSUSM Travel Guidelines.

Employees planning to travel to foreign destinations on official university business are required to review and comply with additional requirements for Travel Related Insurance. 

Travelers should make certain that the business-related expenses they incur are ordinary, reasonable, not extravagant, and necessary for the purpose of the trip. 
The person due the reimbursement for travel costs incurred is responsible for: 

  1. Submitting travel claims not more than 60 days after the expenses were paid or incurred.  
  2. Providing the business purpose and inclusive dates of each trip. 
  3. Certifying they: 
    • Received authorization to travel when required and the approval is included in the Travel Expense Report. 
    • Has not and will not seek reimbursement for (1) a duplicate claim or (2) from any other source. 
    • Has verified that the amount due is accurate. 
    • Actually spent the amount for listed expenses. 
    • Traveled on official business. 

Approving Authority 
The approving authority designated to approve travel claims ensures all expenses are reasonable in terms of price, purpose, and necessity.   









Funding Authority/Principal Investigator (if applicable) 

Ensuring expenses charged to funds authorized for the purpose and the traveler did not seek duplicate reimbursement. 

One-up Manager

1.  Ensuring expenses requested are ordinary, reasonable, not extravagant, necessary, and supported by a business purpose or justification, as appropriate.  
2.  Validating, to the extent possible, that the expenses listed were actually incurred by the employee and that appropriate supporting documentation is attached.  

Office of Sponsored Projects (if applicable) 

Validating, to the extent possible, that the expenses listed were actually incurred by the employee and that appropriate supporting documentation is attached 

All involved in the review or approval routing. 

Approving/denying payment of the travel claim in a timely manner.  Denying expenses not directly related to official University business.

Travel Office 

  • Review/audit for compliance with CSU Travel Policy and CSUSM Guidelines. 
  • Verify appropriate approver (per CSUSM Guidelines).
  • Ensure appropriate documentation is submitted.
  • Process reimbursements for payment.