Insurance Programs
California State University San Marcos participates in the system wide CSU Risk Management Authority (CSURMA) risk pool, which is funded by premium contributions from each CSU campus. The campus' level of contribution is based on a number of factors, including loss history, and the campus community strives to work together to minimize losses and maintain a reasonable cost for coverages through CSURMA. The following is a brief list of coverages provided through CSURMA.
Please contact Integrated Risk Management for more specific information about coverage limits, conditions, and exclusions.
- Liability
Coverage for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for which the University is liable. The program also provides liability coverage for employment practices, errors and omissions, and malpractice. University employees conducting University Business on or off campus are covered for general liability.
- Property
Coverage for direct physical loss or damage to buildings and other specified structures including cyber liability, boiler and machinery coverage, and public entity pollution liability.
- Fine Arts, Artifacts and Archives Program
Coverage provides “wall to wall" coverage while on campus, in transit, or out on loan. Conditions and exclusions apply.
- Athletics Injury Medical Expense (AIME) Program
Coverage in excess of other valid and collectible insurance, for medical services resulting from a covered injury sustained while participating in a covered activity. The CSURMA/AIME will pay the expenses actually incurred for the necessary treatment of such an injury.
- Inland Marine Property
Although the University maintains property insurance to cover losses to buildings, roadways and other infrastructure due to perils such as fire and flood, the University does not maintain insurance to cover losses to department and college property, such as musical instruments and other miscellaneous equipment. Campus units may request and fund coverage by the Inland Marine policy to insure high value personal property. To obtain a quote for Inland Marine Insurance, please e-mail the following information to Andrea Perreault at aperreault@euhsd.org
- Description of the item (s) to be insured
- Value of the item (s) to be insured
- Length of time the item (s) need to be insured
- A contract
- Student Travel Accident Program
Medical coverage for travel related accidents that occur away from campus and/or when traveling to and from a school sponsored activity within the United States. Depending upon the level of injury, students may seek medical attention from the campus' Student Health Services (SHS) during hours of operation. SHS may be contacted at 760-750-4915.
- Vehicle Liability Insurance
All University-owned vehicles operated by University employees while conducting University business are covered for liability against third party claims. The State of California of Insurance and Risk Management (ORIM) administers the State Motor Vehicle Liability Self-Insurance Program (VELSIP) on behalf of the California State University, including California State University, San Marcos. ORIM charges an insurance cost to all State agencies which own vehicles, including CSU. ORIM maintains a fund for the payment of third-party claims and expenses, and when accidents occur, manages the claims process on behalf of the State agency. When University employees are authorized to use privately-owned vehicles on University business, their personal automobile liability insurance is the primary coverage. Any liability in excess of their personal insurance will be considered for coverage under VELSIP.
- Mobile Vehicle Program (physical damage)
University-owned vehicles are not protected for comprehensive or collision damage; however, coverage is available for purchase. The year, make, model, VIN, and value of the vehicle will be required. If the department has secured a vehicle and would like to obtain this coverage, please contact Andrea Perreault at aperreault@csusm.edu
- Special Event Insurance
Special Event Insurance provides short term liability coverage for the University to address various exposures presented by third parties, co-hosted events and campus sponsored special events, and for individuals and groups using CSUSM facilities who may not have their own commercial insurance or insufficient commercial insurance limits.
To request a Special Event insurance quote check our Special Events page
- Participant Accident Insurance
Participant Accident Insurance (PAI) provides medical coverage for participants of CSUSM- sponsored and organized on-campus and off-campus activities that involve youth programs as well as sports camps, hiking, camping, etc. PAI coverage availability and premium costs are based on various factors, such as activity type and number of participants. To discuss whether PAI is available for your event and to obtain a quote, please contact Andrea Perreault at 760- 750-4508.
- Other Insurance Programs