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Strategic Enrollment Planning Process


CSUSM has engaged Ruffalo Noel Levitz (RNL) to assist us in developing a Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEP) for our campus that will guide our overall enrollment efforts as we move forward intentionally and in alignment with our campus strategic plan. 


sep phases

The Strategic Enrollment Planning (SEP) process has completed the first two phases of the project. The first phase engaged cross-divisional stakeholder teams who developed situational analysis reports that defined the current state of enrollment related activities at CSUSM (Situational Analysis Teams Roster). This phase also involved coordination with the Long-Range Academic Plan (LAMP) Task Force and was completed in early fall, 2023. The second phase was the outlining of steps for strategic action plans, as described below.   

Cross-divisional strategic action planning teams met throughout fall 2023 and early spring 2024 to review the situational analysis reports and develop action plan steps based on the reports (Action Plan Teams Roster). This phase involved addressing strategic opportunities to coordinate our efforts, expand our reach, or support student retention as they related to enrollment planning. Those teams, listed below, presented their action plan recommendations to the steering committee on Tuesday, March 26th and the steering committee met on Friday, April 5th, to prioritize proposed actions for review by campus leadership. 

    • First Year Student Success 
    • Transfer Student Success  
    • Coordinated Outreach and Targeted Yield  
    • Career Readiness  
    • Graduate Enrollment Growth  
    • Out of Region and Out of Service Area Recruitment, including increased engagement with WUE  
    • International Recruitment  
    • Structures to Support Enrollment Growth and Enhance the Impact of Extended Learning  
    • Coordinated Marketing Through Enhanced Web Presence

    A recording of the March 26th Action Plan presentations is available for viewing here: LINK. 

Strategic Enrollment Plan Next Steps

  • In May, the recommended action plans will be presented to the campus leadership team for their feedback and prioritization in alignment with the campus strategic priorities and the long-range academic master plan.  
  • Enrollment goals will be determined based on projected demographic changes, anticipated impact from enrollment strategies and assessment of current and future market share using the Ruffalo Noel-Levitz (RNL) enrollment projection models and CSUSM institutional research data, funding feasibility, and alignment with university's strategic plan and other campus priorities.  
  • Incorporating that feedback, a Strategic Enrollment Plan will be prepared working with campus stakeholders to identify specific targets and metrics for evaluation to incorporate into the plan.  
  • Upon finalization of the Strategic Enrollment Plan, the campus will implement the plan and transition into strategic enrollment management. This involves measuring the achievement of identified goals and refining enrollment processes to improve outcomes and adapt to the changing environment. 

These efforts over the past year would not have been successful without the continued engagement of the Strategic Enrollment Planning Steering Committee and the expertise of numerous individuals from across campus. Their time, energy, and expertise that they have committed to the development of a robust Strategic Enrollment Plan that will guide our enrollment efforts over the coming years is sincerely appreciated.  

For questions, please email