Academic Excellence & Student Success Fee
The Academic Excellence and Student Success (AE&SS) fee was established by Executive Order (EO) 1086 on June 18, 2013. The fee is designed to support student learning and engagement; and to ensure that students graduate in a timely manner with the tools to be successful in their chosen careers. The fee has been used for additional course sections, undergraduate advising, career support, academic support, and student life and recreational opportunities. It has preserved our student-centered mission, vision and values, and provides students increased opportunities for success.
An important finding from the alternative consultation process was that students wanted to remain informed about how the fee was put to use each year. As a result, and in the interest of transparency regarding AE&SS fee allocations, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, together with the Budget Office and Student Fee Advisory Committee provides a report on the previous academic year's allocations. The AE&SS fee funds priorities that are linked to student success through providing course sections, supporting student academic and career support services, and increasing library resources.
2023/2024 AE&SS Fee Report

University Allocation | Total: $7,120,599 |
Academic Affairs | $6,633,176 |
Finance & Administrative Services | $73,214 |
Student Affairs | $414,209 |

Academic Affairs | College | Total: $6,633,176 |
Academic Advising | Acad Advising | $157,720 |
College of Education, Health & Human Services | CEHHS | $839,051 |
College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral & Social Sciences | CHABSS | $2,022,881 |
College of Business Administration | CoBA | $483,929 |
College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics | CSTEM | $1,798,212 |
Graduate Studies and Research | GSR | $113,351 |
Library | Library | $453,264 |
Undergraduate Programs | UGPGM | $754,768 |

Student Affairs | Group | Total: $414,209 |
Enrollment Management | ENRMGT | $157,762 |
Student Academic Support Services | SASS | $158,313 |
Student Life | SL | $90,370 |
Student Development Services | STDEV | $7,764 |

Financial and Administrative Services | Group | Total: $73,214 |
Instructional and Informational Technology Services | IITS | $73,214 |
The following courses were funded by the Academic Excellence and Student Success Fee:
- CHABSSAMD 101, ANTH 200, COMM 330, COMM 390, ECON 201, ECON 202, FREN 101, GEO 102, GEOG 341, GEW 100, GEW 101A, GEW 101B, HIST 130, HIST 131, LING 100, LTWR 100, MUSC 210, PHIL 101, PHIL 110, PSCI 100, PSYC 220, PSYC 230, PSYC 331, PSYC 332, PSYC 336, PSYC 349, PSYC 354, PSYC 362, PSYC 393, PSYC 395, SOC 105, SOC 201, SOC 311, SOC 317, SOC 320, SOC 325, SOC 360, SOC 361, SOC 417, SPAN 101, SPAN 102
- CoBAACCT 202, ACCT 424, BUS 202, BUS 203, BUS 204, BUS 300, BUS 302, BUS 322, BUS 324, BUS 442, BUS 495, BUS 202, BUS 203, BUS 204, BUS 300, BUS 302, BUS 322, BUS 442, BUS 444, BUS 495, FIN 302, FIN 304, FIN 302, FIN 331, GBM 427, GBM 425, GBM 427, MGMT 302, MGMT 461, MGMT 302, MIS 302, MIS 304, MIS 426, MIS 304, MKTG 302, MKTG 310, MKTG 442, MKTG 445, MKTG 448, MKTG 452, MKTG 454, MKTG 310, MKTG 315, MKTG 446, MKTG 448, MKTG 454, OM 302, OM 305, OM 435, OM 302
- CEHHSEDUC 364, EDUC 380, HD 220, HD 350, KINE 302, KINE 303, NURS 201, NURS 211, NURS 451, NURS 491
- CSTEMBIOL 215, BIOL 316, BIOL 328, CHEM 101, CHEM 150, GES 100, GES 102, MATH 100, MATH 1, MATH 101, MATH 5, MATH 105, MATH 126, PHYS 205, PHYS 206, PHYS 307
If you have questions about the Academic Excellence & Student Success fee, please email studentaffairs@csusm.edu.